Monday, March 31, 2014

Illuminati, Pope Francis and the Dark Side with Leo Zagami

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Religion / Secret Societies

Illuminati and connections with Pope Francis, the Vatican, and the dark side of the masonic temple are explored with Leo Lyon Zagami in this uncensored interview. We discuss extraterrestrials, reptilians the true meaning of heaven and much more in a conversation hosted by Sean Stone for Buzzsaw.

Source: Buzzsaw

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Arizona Real Estate on the Move: Part Deux

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Weather / Wind

Another round of windy weather is happening in Arizona today. Watch for blowing dust in some areas.
Weather Map
Forecast Discussion: Based on current observations, the air quality in the Valley has generally improved since mid week’s dust event. As of this morning, isolated monitors in downtown Phoenix are still showing PM-10 readings in the Moderate range, while surrounding monitors are in the Good range. Other pollutants Valley-wide are in the Good category. Saturday will feature warmer conditions and light winds. By Sunday, winds will increase ahead of yet another trough of low pressure approaching the Southwest. Winds don’t look to be as strong as with our past storm, nor last as long, but area soils continue to dry out. With southwest winds sustained near 20 mph with higher gusts Sunday afternoon, thinking that localized blowing dust is a possibility. As a result, higher PM-10 levels in the middle to upper Moderate range can be expected. Also, an additional influx of ozone precursors ahead of the trough Sunday could raise ozone levels, but increased cloud cover may offset ozone formation. No precipitation is expected at this time.
Does this mean we are in for a windy spring?

Source: Weather Channel, AirNow

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Never Forget the Power of Music

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Music / Education

So your child does not want to learn how to play an instrument. It's not the drums. It's not the guitar. It's not anything cool. 

It does not matter the instrument as long as they learn how to play AC/DC on it.

Art and music help children synthesize and learn math skills as well as timing and spatial design. So gather your kids and watch Thunderstruck. Then they might think learning an instrument is important after all.

Source: Youtube, Sharedots,

Friday, March 28, 2014

Movie Night: Angels Still Don't Play This HAARP

Staff Writer, Nicole Meyer-Greene
Environment / Weather Modification

Based on the best selling book Angels Don't Play This HAARP, narrator Dr. Nick Begich presents a compelling discussion of one of the important military advances of the United States government.

The technology is designed to manipulate the environment in a number of ways that can jam all global communications, disrupt weather systems, interfere with migration patterns, disrupt human mental processes, negatively affect your health and disrupt the upper atmosphere.

The U.S. military calls this new zapper the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program or HAARP. The rest of the story is revealed in the patents, technical papers and other documents that continue to emerge regarding this project. Begich has presented on the subject as an expert witness for the European Parliament, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense Policy Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament, GLOBE and others.

In a useful and important book, Manning and Begich have attacked many problems and told many stories. Best of all they have told how they and a gallant lot of nongovernment people in Alaska have fought battles to expose the HAARP project, which is the latest modernization of the Pentagon's electromagnetic warfare preparations, under test in the Alaskans' own backyard.

HAARP has been a mysterious project, whose true nature has been hidden, they say, by lies and disinformation. It has posed as university ionospheric research, which it only partly is, so as to conceal its military character. The great service that Manning and Begich have done is to uncover just enough technical and organizational information to leave no doubt about the centrality of HAARP to the Pentagon's aims of perfecting electromagnetic warfare.

HAARP stands for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program. It follows upon a long line of ionospheric research, some of it military, in which bursts of radiofrequency radiation have been beamed up into the ionosphere in order to study the effects so produced. Installations that send high intensity electromagnetic waves into the ionosphere have been called ionospheric heaters. Some have been in Greenland, the Pacific, Japan, Norway, and Russia.

What is new about HAARP and should give grounds for concern is the much greater power level contemplated and the hugely greater power flux aimed at in the projected transmission. Scientists often study a system by perturbing it, observing the processes that take place during the recovery to the original state of the system. HAARP, however, promises to perturb the system so drastically that it may never recover to its original state, even assuming that it is stable enough that it returns to its former state under less drastic bombardment. Furthermore, the very scientists planning the research do not know what the results may be. If Manning and Begich are to be believed, the nuclear explosions carried out by the Soviet Union and the United States outside the Earth's atmosphere, prior to the 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty forbidding such detonations, did in fact damage the ionosphere in the long term. For example, there is now radioactivity in outer space that wasn't there prior to the nuclear explosions, so that in this one sense at least, the ionosphere certainly isn't the same as it was. HAARP threatens to blast the ionosphere again, but possibly in a new and very frightening way.

Source: Youtube

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Bingo! UK Doesn't Understand the Middle Class

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
News / Interview

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss bingo lingo and Fedspeak. When the markets tumbled after Janet Yellen said, “six months,” perhaps she should have said “Chopping Sticks” instead? They also discuss qualitative guidance and productivity gains. In the second half, Max interviews Egon von Greyerz of Matterhorn Asset Management in Switzerland about wealth preservation and gold.

Source: RT

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Arizona Real Estate on the Move as Weather Advisory Calls for Wind, Air Quality

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Weather / Air Quality

A northwestern frontal boundary is headed Phoenix's way and bringing with it strong gusty winds. Some showers might be possible but localized and light. Most rain will be virga.

Unfortunately, the desert floor is dry and warm. The 30mph winds will create dust and air quality hazards for those individuals who suffer from respiratory conditions. People with lung issues may want to stay indoors. 
Forecast Discussion: ...A PM-10 HIGH POLLUTION ADVISORY HAS BEEN ISSUED FOR WEDNESDAY... The weather system that will bring winds to Arizona has strengthened a little more. Phoenix could see sustained winds between 15 and 25 mph at times with gusts as high as 35 mph. This is more than enough to generated blowing dust locally. In addition, we anticipate dust from dry deserts to the west (Yuma/southern California). We can lean on any precipitation to help minimize impacts as they disturbance will be dry. Erring on the side of caution, we are going with a High Pollution Advisory for Wednesday as it is highly possible that PM10 concentrations could exceed the standard. Wind conditions improve Thursday and dust levels should also settle into the lower Moderate range. Daytime highs are expected to briefly fall into the lower 70 on Thursday, but rapidly warm to the upper 80s by Sunday. Check back tomorrow for more. Until then, have a good day! -J.Paul
Be careful driving especially in the corridor between Phoenix and Tucson.

Source: AirNowADEQ,

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring, Nature, and Hummingbird Nests

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Photographer, DL Mullan
Nature / Community Interest

Spring has arrived. The winter wind has changed into a zephyr and the birds are singing. Everyday the temperature gets warmer and warmer.

So birds are nesting, keeping their eggs warm and safe until their babies hatch. In some cases, birds make their homes within the human realm. This mother hummingbird has made her nest in my gazebo on a wire planter.

Hummingbird in the Gazebo
A few hints about your wild bird nest occupants:
  • On average a hummingbird nest will only be 1 1/2 inches in diameter, about the size of a ping pong ball and will be cup shaped.
  • The female hummingbird will usually lay 2 eggs in the hummingbird nest, sometimes only 1.
  • The humming bird eggs will be white and less than half an inch long, about the size of a small jelly bean or pea.
  • The female hummingbird will incubate the eggs usually for 16 to 18 days
A note on the red dye in the commercial hummingbird food:
There is however an increasing percentage of tumors being found in hummingbirds and lots of people are pretty much convinced the tumors are the result of the red dye used in hummingbird nectar.
In order to make your own hummingbird food either cook or dissolve in cold water 1 part sugar to 4 parts water.

Then sit back and enjoy nature.

Source: How to Enjoy Hummingbirds 

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Truth In Media Project and Humanity Over Politics with Ben Swann

Staff Writer, DLMullan
News / Interview

The Truth In Media Project and the idea of humanity over politics is discussed with journalist Ben Swann. The role of new media vs. mainstream media in seeking out and reporting the truth about our government is looked at with Swann in this Buzzsaw interview hosted by Tyrel Ventura.

Source: Buzzsaw

Sunday, March 23, 2014

There's Always Free Cheese in the Mousetrap

Staff Writer, R. Patrick Chapman
Police State / Militarization of Police

Think for a moment about what the police men and women looked and acted like when your grand/parents were youth. Strange how much different than it is now. Slowly, the federal government has pushed for the militarization of local police forces through "grant programs."

But why?

Retired Marine Colonel Pete Martino sought to answer this question during a Concord City Council in New Hampshire:

Grants are the public's money. So the next time you see your local police act and look like they belong in a war zone, ask yourself some simple questions: why? when? how? what? and who?

Because only a government, federal or local, that creates a militarized police force isn't doing so for the public's protection. It's to protect themselves from the public.

Isn't misappropriating your tax money great?

Source: Youtube,

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Russia, Ukraine, Putin + The New Cold War with Abby Martin

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
News / Interview

Russia, Ukraine, Putin + The New Cold War with Abby Martin

Russia, Ukraine, and the crisis in Crimea, plus criticizing Vladimir Putin on RT is discussed with Breaking the Set host, Abby Martin. The new cold war, and need to use diplomacy to prevent World War III is looked at with Martin in this Buzzsaw interview hosted by Sean Stone.
Guest Bio

When Abby Martin began streaming her thoughts and emotions through a paint brush at 19, she discovered her niche. The elaborate and intricate detail that flows from her onto the canvas in a perfect distribution of dots and swirls reflects this introspective artist’s ability to juggle and organize the chaos of the human mind into a comprehensive piece of fully charged beauty.

The explosive energy of each piece calls to life with psychedelic force the different realities Abby treads as she deconstructs the world around her in constant search of balance and truth. Whether reflecting on the natural world or the manmade world, the awakening or deadening of consciousness, cultural controlling dichotomies, the power of the mystic and all that is unknown, the condition of the social, the construction of the economic, or the corruption of the political, Abby’s work displays an intense passion for life and her deep desire to engage others in her vision.

Over the past seven years a variety of different venues in San Diego and the San Francisco Bay Area have exhibited Abby’s paintings. She is now living in Washington DC hosting her own television show ‘Breaking the Set.’

Source: Buzzsaw,

Friday, March 21, 2014

Movie Night: Edward Snowden and ACLU at SXSW

Staff Writer, DL Mullan

Edward Snowden speaks about privacy and technology with the ACLU's Ben Wizner and Christopher Soghoian at SXSW Interactive.

Source: Youtube,

Chocoholics Rejoice: Dark is Good

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Medicine / Health

Many people consider themselves addicted to chocolate. No wonder. Chocolate helps in the production of serotonin and now scientists have found another reason to rejoice in the comforts of chocolate, especially the dark variety. 
'In our study we found that the fibre is fermented and the large polyphenolic polymers are metabolised to smaller molecules, which are more easily absorbed,' said Dr John Finley, who led the Louisiana team.

'These smaller polymers exhibit anti-inflammatory activity. When these compounds are absorbed by the body, they lessen the inflammation of cardiovascular tissue, reducing the long-term risk of stroke.'

The findings were presented at the American Chemical Society's annual meeting in Texas.

Combining cocoa with prebiotics - indigestible food ingredients that stimulate bacterial growth - is likely to enhance the process with beneficial results, said Dr Finley.

'When you ingest prebiotics, the beneficial gut microbial population increases and out-competes any undesirable microbes in the gut, like those that cause stomach problems,' he added.

Prebiotics are found in foods such as raw garlic, raw wheat bran, and cooked whole wheat flour, and are especially abundant in raw chicory root. They can also be obtained from widely available supplements.

Combining dark chocolate with fruits such as pomegranates or acai may also boost its benefits, said Dr Finley.
So go ahead, eat your chocolate.

It will not only make you happy, chocolate will make you healthier too.

Source: MailOnline,

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Ancient Technique to Water Your Garden

Staff Writer, Nicole Meyer-Greene
Gardening / Sustainability

In the hot Arizona sun, do you feel you are doing nothing but watering your plants day after day?

There may be a simple and economical solution to over watering your yard: clay pots. In the article, Clay Pot Irrigation - a simple adaptation of an ancient technique, gardeners are shown how to use clay pots to water their plants.
Get hold of an ordinary 25 cm (10 inch) terracotta pot. Plug the hole with a wine cork. Bury it almost up to its neck in the soil but not too deep so that soil falls into the pot. Fill it with water. Add a terracotta lid.

Plant seedlings or sow seeds 18 inches around the base of the pot. Water will slowly seep out through the clay wall of the pot, directly irrigating the soil around the pot. As the roots grow they will wrap themselves around the pot. The plants takes up almost all the water, and because the water source is now in the ground, evaporation is almost nil.

Keep the pot filled up and you will provide a steady source of irrigation when your plants need it.
It is that simple.

With the heat of the desert on the rise, gardeners can take comfort in knowing their plants are well cared for all afternoon long without the mess and time of using a hose.

(Make sure the pot is unglazed.)

Source: Permaculture UK,

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Global Economic Reset with Fabian Calvo

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Finance / Banking

A global economic reset away from the dollar and federal reserve is discussed with Fabian Calvo. We look at the implications of starting a new economic system in the face of rampant corruption, debt and war, how history has established precedent for economic reset, and what the crisis in Ukraine has to do with it in this Buzzsaw interview hosted by Sean Stone.

Source: Buzzsaw,

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Spy v Spy in Senate, Climate Change Terrorism, CIA Whistleblower Harassed in Prison

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
News / Government

Abby Martin remarks on the Senator Dianne Feinstein’s accusation that the CIA potentially violated the constitution when obstructing the Senate Intelligence Committee’s oversight of the agency. A recent op-ed by former CIA analyst John Kiriakou regarding the unjust nature of his prison sentence for blowing the whistle on Bush’s torture program. Tom Weiss, president of Climate Crisis Solutions, talks about the Pentagon’s statement that climate change will increase terrorism, as well as the Senate Democrat’s ‘all-nighter’ to raise awareness about the issue. Offshore tax havens for multinational corporations and the 1 percent – we cite the $21 trillion missing from the global economy and the lack of progress made to get that money back. Finally, the state of the Fukushima nuclear power plant three years after the massive earthquake and tsunami that led to the meltdown with Kevin Kamps, radioactive waste watchdog of, and Tim Judson, executive director at the Nuclear Information and Resource Center.

Source: Breaking the Set,

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Mystery, CIA Spies on Congress + NSA Ask Zelda

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
News / Government

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has gone missing and everybody is scrambling to get their stories straight, while Dianne Feinstein has called out the CIA for spying on Congress investigating their shady ways. We discuss Comcast bribery in the government, as the NSA gets a new advisor in "Zelda," and Oregon takes a stand on behalf of bees. Plus, a special message to the Buzzsaw audience from host Tyrel Ventura and producer Tabetha Wallace.

Source: Youtube,

Did You Know the Constitution has been Suspended?

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Government / News

When Thomas Drake discusses the government with Jesse Ventura, he remarks how 9/11 has been used to "suspend" the Constitution in this episode of Off The Grid
Before Edward Snowden, there was NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake, who joins Jesse Ventura #OffTheGrid to discuss his years as senior executive of the NSA, his meeting with Edward Snowden in Russia, and how it feels to be called a "whistleblower."

Source: Off the Grid,

Friday, March 14, 2014

Movie Night: PlanCheyenne, How Sustainabilty Plans All Look the Same, Part 2

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Sustainability / Government

The city of Cheyenne, Wyoming has the chance to stop Agenda 21, by opposing the 'PlanCheyenne' plans for the city. This is this second presentation by Stacy Lynne at a Cheyenne town hall meeting and momentum continues to build in her support. This is an unprecedented fight and fortunately the Mayor of Cheyenne, Rick Kaysen, appears in this town hall meeting to take questions from the public.

These plans are in every major city in the United States and across the world. It's not about sustainability. It's about creating a way to control people and their lives with the same buildings and grants that end up bankrupting communities instead of uplift them. 

Phoenix, Avondale, Glendale, and other Arizona cities are among these plans that strip away people's property rights. 

Why would anyone subscribe to this type of cookie cutter buildings and landscape?

Source: WeAreChange,

Movie Night: PlanCheyenne, How Sustainabilty Plans All Look the Same, Part 1

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Sustainability / Government

Showdown on the Streets of Cheyenne! Critical Policies and Statutes are being Passed in Cities, Counties, and States across America without the knowledge of the People and their Elected Officials! These Mandates and Laws are secretly being Enacted by powerful Foreign Interests. Catch a small glimpse of the Future Plan as Stacy Lynne shows the People of Cheyenne Wyoming how and why it is happening, and what is REALLY BEHIND The Sustainability Movement.
Part 2 of Movie Night available later today. Learn what sustainability is all about:

Source: WeAreChange,

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Do You Believe in Zombies? The CDC Does.

Staff Writer, R. Patrick Chapman
Zombie Apocalypse / Government

The CDC's Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response has had such a great response to their Zombie Apocalypse campaign that the government agency is going to keep marketing this idea. 

Under the Are We Prepared tab, Zombie Preparedness is the main event. 
Wonder why Zombies, Zombie Apocalypse, and Zombie Preparedness continue to live or walk dead on a CDC web site? As it turns out what first began as a tongue in cheek campaign to engage new audiences with preparedness messages has proven to be a very effective platform. We continue to reach and engage a wide variety of audiences on all hazards preparedness via Zombie Preparedness; and as our own director, Dr. Ali Khan, notes, "If you are generally well equipped to deal with a zombie apocalypse you will be prepared for a hurricane, pandemic, earthquake, or terrorist attack." So please log on, get a kit, make a plan, and be prepared!
So then next time you need to discuss being prepared, you can make it fun by employing Zombies to do your work for you.

Source: CDC,

WHAT THE FUQ? Australia’s Corporatocracy with Filmmakers Scott Bartle & Deborah Pietsch

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
News / Government

WHAT THE FUQ? Australia’s Corporatocracy with Filmmakers Scott Bartle & Deborah Pietsch:

Australia’s secret corporate government is shown in WHAT THE FUQ? FREQUENTLY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS OF THE AUSTRALIAN “GOVERNMENT, and we look at the film’s trailer and discuss the corporatocracy with filmmakers Scott Bartle and Deborah Pietsch. The unlikely path from an international car purchase to exploring the inequality and corruption at work in the Australian government, and learning to liberate humanity and create a new reality is shared with Buzzsaw hosts Sean Stone and Tabetha Wallace.

Source: Buzzsaw

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Ever Wanted To Go To MIT? Well, Now You Can For Free

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Free / Education

MIT has several courses from a variety of disciplines available to the public for free.
MIT OpenCourseWare makes the materials used in the teaching of almost all of MIT's subjects available on the Web, free of charge. With more than 2,200 courses available, OCW is delivering on the promise of open sharing of knowledge.

School of Architecture and Planning
School of Engineering
School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

Those who live by the Fraud, Dying by the Fraud, Episode 572

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Finance / Banking

Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss those who live by the fraud, dying by the fraud as fraud is deployed to cover up fraud, thus causing more fraud. In the second half, Max interviews precious metals expert, Ned Naylor-Leyland of about how the harmonization of law across Europe has ironically driven the manipulation of the gold fix out into the open and how the rigged gold fix has meant that gold was not able to be classified as tier-one capital.

Source: Keiser Report,

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Protecting the Internet by Using Twitter to Call Attention to the TPP

Staff Writer, Nicole Meyer-Greene
Freedom / Government

A new campaign has begun where the old one left off. Millions joined the online revolt called the Day We Fight Back. Now, the Internet Defense League wants to expand its efforts:
The Internet Blackout was just the beginning. Together, our websites and personal networks can mobilize the planet to defend the internet from bad laws & monopolies. Are you in?
That beginning is a Twitter revolt:
Join our TPP Twitter Storm. Everyone with a Twitter account can participate. The Twitter storm begins on Tuesday at 9pm EST!
Anyone who is tired of the Mainstream Media covering up or just not covering topics that directly affect the American People can join in.


 Source: Internet Defense League, PDA,

Crashing the Supreme court, the corporate takeover of hip hop, & tools for the DOJ

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
News / Government

On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin remarks on the US Senate’s lambasting of Debo Adegbile, Obama’s pick for the Department of Justice’s civil rights division, citing his support for imprisoned black activist Mumia Abu-Jamal. Abby then calls attention to the campaign finance activist recorded his interruption of the Supreme while in session, highlighting how the court is the least transparent of the three branches of the federal government. Abby then speaks with Paul Porter, former BET executive and founder of, and Sebastien Elkouby, writer at about the commercialization of rap music and the powerful force that the genre can carry. BTS wraps up the show with a look back at Abby’s interview with writer and philosopher Margaret Heffernan, exploring the phenomenon of willful blindness and the human response to truth.

Source: Breaking the Set,

Monday, March 10, 2014

Ending Global Conflict and Religious Violence with Sarah Cochran

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
News / Government

On this interview edition of Buzzsaw, Sean Stone converses about Ending Global Conflict and Religious Violence with Sarah Cochran.

Israeli and Palestinian violence, sectarian Islamic clashes, and mending global conflict are discussed with Sarah Cochran of One Blue. Propaganda that fuels religious turmoil, as well as biased misrepresentations of Islam and how to bridge the gap between people that have been at odds for centuries is discussed, in addition to the concrete steps that can be taken to change the course of hatred–all in this Buzzsaw interview hosted by Sean Stone.

Source: Buzzsaw,

If You Are Acting Like a Neanderthal, It Is Because You Are One

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Anthropology / Evolution

Society jokes about people acting like Neanderthals. The funny thing is the punchline are Homo Sapiens, who are non-Africians, appear to be directly related to Neanderthals. Upto 4% of a person's genetic code may be from a completely different species. 

The first opportunity for interbreeding probably occurred about 60,000 years ago in Middle Eastern regions adjacent to Africa, where archaeological evidence shows the two species overlapped for a time, the team says.
So the next time you act like a Neanderthal and someone calls you out on it, you can now simply agree. 

Isn't genetics fascinating?

Source: National Geographic

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Have You Knitted for a Penguin Today?

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Environment / Creative Arts

It is a strange question. Knitting for a penguin? The Penguin Foundation is asking knitters world-wide to send them penguin sized pullovers.

These knitted sweaters are used to help penguins who have suffered in an oil spill or other event, including dumping by fisherman. The Foundation usually receives about twenty penguins per annum that need these little outfits as well as the Penguin Foundation gives the knitted clothes to other wildlife rescues.

If you would like more information, please visit the Penguin Foundation or download a pattern here:
You can download more information about how to knit for penguins, including the knitting pattern and where to send the finished product.

While the Penguin Foundation's website says it currently has a 'good supply' of the little jumpers, the organisation also uses them in educational programs as well as selling them as a fundraising measure.
In 2011 the foundation raised money for a new Phillip Island Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre which can house up to 1500 penguins in the event of a major oil spill.

Source: ABC Net AU,

Saturday, March 8, 2014

This Day in History, 3.8.14

Staff Writer: R. Patrick Chapman
History / Education

History buffs, here is your This Day in History fix from the History Channel:
February Revolution begins in Russia, 1917 
American Revolution
Pennsylvania militiamen senselessly murder Patriot allies, 1782
VW bus, icon of counterculture movement, goes into production, 1950
Civil War
C.S.S. Virginia terrorizes Union Navy, 1862
Cold War
United States accuses Soviets of using poison gas, 1982
The Lonely Hearts Killers are executed, 1951
Mount Etna erupts, 1669
General Interest
Anglo-Ottoman force takes Abukir Bay, 1801
Egypt opens the Suez Canal, 1957
MTV’s highest rated series premieres, 1993
Thomas Wolfe's second novel, Of Time and the River, is published, 1935
Bill Graham's rock empire goes bi-coastal as the Fillmore East opens, 1968
Old West
Emmet Dalton goes to prison, 1893
Reagan refers to U.S.S.R. as "evil empire" again, 1983
Ali battles Frazier for heavyweight championship, 1971
Vietnam War
U.S. Marines land at Da Nang, 1965
Thieu orders force withdrawal, 1975
World War I
February Revolution begins in Russia, 1917
World War II
Dutch surrender on Java, 1942

Permaculture Design Training, Free Course

Staff Writer: Nicole Meyer-Greene
Farming / Permaculture

Ever wonder how to do permaculture? There is a 72-hour design course that is free online. This course will teach you how to do:
  • Natural building construction
  • Pattern observation and site analysis
  • Renewable energy and appropriate technology
  • Reading the land and natural cycles
  • Rainwater harvesting and conservation
  • Soil regeneration and land restoration
  • Passive and active solar design
  • Food forests, trees, and garden design
  • Greywater considerations and system design
  • Business and financial permaculture
  • Waste recycling and treatment
  • Urban permaculture for sustainable cities
  • ...and much, much more!
If you are interested, then please go to the Regenerative Leadership Institute to get started.

Source: Permaculture Design Training,

Friday, March 7, 2014

Movie Night: The Hidden Secrets of Money, Episodes 1-5

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Finance / Banking

The past few nights the VDP Gazette has gone on a journey to discover what money is, its history, and how the global market works. In tonight movie event, we recap with the first three episodes and introduce the next installments.

You are about to learn one of the biggest secrets in the history of the world... it's a secret that has huge effects for everyone who lives on this planet. Most people can feel deep down that something isn't quite right with the world economy, but few know what it is.

Gone are the days where a family can survive on just one paycheck... every day it seems that things are more and more out of control, yet only one in a million understand why. You are about to discover the system that is ultimately responsible for most of the inequality in our world today.

In this installment, we travel to Berlin and Frankfurt, where we were able to film the money museum inside the of the world's largest Central Banks.

This episode serves as an ideal primer for those waking up to the monetary matrix around them, as it clearly shows the history of true money and why it so important to our freedom. The quality of a society is directly proportional to the quality of its money. Debase a currency for long enough, and you end up with dangerous deficits, debt driven disasters, and eventually...delusional dictators. History proves this to be true.

For further insight on what it was like to film inside a central bank, check out the Exclusive Presentation that goes along with this episode at our website. In it, Mike tells what it was like to look at the displays and explanations from an Austrian Economics perspective. He also shows where he believes we are in the following cycles:

Quality Money/Quantity Currency

The VDP Gazette does not cater or promote gold and silver acquisition. These episodes are for educational use only. 

Daylight Savings Time, Again

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Daylight Savings / Time Switch

It's that time of the year again for everyone who is not in Arizona, except Tuba City, of course: 
Daylight saving time is upon us again, and this year we'll lose an hour of sleep -- or reading, or Netflix bingeing -- on Sunday, March 9. The biannual time jump will begin at 2 a.m. local time in participating places and last until Nov. 2, when clocks will fall back an hour.
After so many years playing the daylight savings game, is it time for us to stop? Some people started a petition on the White House website to do just that last year.

Some people want this time adjustment to begin on Saturdays instead of Sundays.

Has this method of time manipulation become overused and outmoded? 

Source: Huffington Post

Death Of The Dollar - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 3

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Finance / Banking

Today we bring you Episode 3 of Mike Maloney's Hidden Secrets of Money. You may have heard stories on the news lately that suggest an international move away from the US Dollar is underway...but have you ever seen these events listed on a timeline?

Join Mike Maloney in Singapore as he states his case for why he expects the world to have a new monetary system in this decade. Whether it is countries repatriating their gold supplies, or creating bilateral trade agreements -- these events are all deemed to be 'Golden Nails' in the coffin of the U.S. Dollar Standard.

This episode follows on from Episode 2, in which we learned that the world does indeed have a new monetary system approximately every 40 years. Michael Maloney lines up the facts, showing that our current system is 42 years old and is developing serious stress fractures that at some stage will break.

How does this affect you and your family? The repercussions are huge for us all, be sure to watch the full episode and the accompanying Exclusive Presentation at to find out how to turn this Dollar Crisis into a Golden Opportunity.


For more information, please visit:  Movie Night: The Hidden Secrets of Money, Episodes 1-5.

The VDP Gazette does not cater or promote gold and silver acquisition. These episodes are for educational use only. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

March Bulk Trash is for April

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Bulk Trash / Community Interest

As many in Villa de Paz are accustomed, Bulk Trash comes sometime at the beginning of March. This year, that scheduled time appears to have been changed to April instead.

Please be advised to the Spring Bulk Trash schedule for our area:

Bulk Pick-Up Day
Placement: Apr 5 2014
Start collection: Apr 14 2014

Silver & Gold - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 2 - Seven Stages Of Empire

Staff Writer: DL Mullan
Finance / Banking

The second in the series, the Hidden Secrets of Money. Mike Maloney takes us on a journey to understand the current economic climate and how money is debased through deficit spending and wars.


For more information, please visit:  Movie Night: The Hidden Secrets of Money, Episodes 1-5.

The VDP Gazette does not cater or promote gold and silver acquisition. These episodes are for educational use only. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Bank of America Becoming Washington Federal

Staff Writer: DL Mullan
Banking / Reset

Bank of America is going through a transition. Several hundred banks in the Northwest and Southwest are becoming this new institution. Federal Washington is the new name for this entity.
Federal Acquires 23 Branches in Arizona & Nevada.
Washington Federal has reached an agreement to acquire 23 branches from Bank of America in the states of Arizona and Nevada. Pending regulatory approval, the branches will be converted to Washington Federal systems and products in the third fiscal quarter of 2014.

Please see the press release for details.

Transitioned Bank of America clients in New Mexico, click here for more details.

Source: Washington Federal

Weather Update March 2 2014 With Dane Wigington

Staff Writer: Nicole Meyer-Greene
GeoEngineering / Weather 

Weather Update March 2 2014 With Dane Wigington gives a synopsis of the weather that has happened in the United States and across the world looking through the glass of geoengineering.

Source: Youtube,

Silver & Gold - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 1 - Currency vs Money

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Money / Economics

In this first episode of Silver & Gold - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 1 - Currency vs Money, Mike Maloney guides us through the definitions of what currency and money are. 
Your wealth is your time and freedom. This film shows how central banking and governments use fiat currency to undermine and undervalue their people to steal their wealth away. 
Why are you allowing your wealth to be stolen from you?  

Source: Youtube


For more information, please visit:  Movie Night: The Hidden Secrets of Money, Episodes 1-5.

The VDP Gazette does not cater or promote gold and silver acquisition. These episodes are for educational use only. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Burning Skies: A Photolog of GeoEngineering in Phoenix, 3.4.14

Staff Writer: DL Mullan
Photographer: DL Mullan
GeoEngineering / Environment

What is this all for? To create the Venus Effect? Destroy Planet Earth?

A Once Beautiful Blue Sky...

Jet Caught Spraying

South East Skies of Phoenix, AZ.

Jet Stopped Spraying, See Not a Contrail There...

More Lines Above Metro Phoenix.

How the Afternoon Ends Up After Spraying

Why does anyone in the military believe they have the right to spray Americans with toxins? Why aren't military personnel deciding with their conscience? 

No one deserves to breathe these poisons. 

If anyone has information or documentation about these programs, please send that data and video/photography to the VDP Gazette. 

Proof Air Force Off Its Meds- Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025

Staff Writer: Nicole Meyer-Greene
Photographer, DL Mullan
Environment / Geoengineering /Military

Scenario: Imagine that in 2025 the US is fighting a rich, but now consolidated, politically powerful drug cartel in South America. The cartel has purchased hundreds of Russian-and Chinese-built fighters that have successfully thwarted our attempts to attack their production facilities. With their local numerical superiority and interior lines, the cartel is launching more than 10 aircraft for every one of ours. In addition, the cartel is using the French system probatoire d' observation de la terre (SPOT) positioning and tracking imagery systems, which in 2025 are capable of transmitting near-real-time, multispectral imagery with 1 meter resolution. The US wishes to engage the enemy on an uneven playing field in order to exploit the full potential of our aircraft and munitions. 
Meteorological analysis reveals that equatorial South America typically has afternoon thunderstorms on a daily basis throughout the year. Our intelligence has confirmed that cartel pilots are reluctant to fly in or near thunderstorms. Therefore, our weather force support element (WFSE), which is a part of the commander in chief’s (CINC) air operations center (AOC), is tasked to forecast storm paths and trigger or intensify thunderstorm cells over critical target areas that the enemy must defend with their aircraft. Since our aircraft in 2025 have all-weather capability, the thunderstorm threat is minimal to our forces, and we can effectively and decisively control the sky over the target. 
The WFSE has the necessary sensor and communication capabilities to observe, detect, and act on weather-modification requirements to support US military objectives. These capabilities are part of an advanced battle area system that supports the war-fighting CINC. In our scenario, the CINC tasks the WFSE to conduct storm intensification and concealment operations. The WFSE models the atmospheric conditions to forecast, with 90 percent confidence, the likelihood of successful modification using airborne cloud generation and seeding.
In 2025, uninhabited aerospace vehicles (UAV) are routinely used for weather-modification operations. By cross-referencing desired attack times with wind and thunderstorm forecasts and the SPOT satellite’s projected orbit, the WFSE generates mission profiles for each UAV. The WFSE guides each UAV using near-real-time information from a networked sensor array. 
Prior to the attack, which is coordinated with forecasted weather conditions, the UAVs begin cloud generation and seeding operations. UAVs disperse a cirrus shield to deny enemy visual and infrared (IR) surveillance. Simultaneously, microwave heaters create localized scintillation to disrupt active sensing via synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems such as the commercially available Canadian search and rescue satellite-aided tracking (SARSAT) that will be widely available in 2025. Other cloud seeding operations cause a developing thunderstorm to intensify over the target, severely limiting the enemy’s capability to defend. The WFSE monitors the entire operation in real-time and notes the successful completion of another very important but routine weather-modification mission. 
This scenario may seem far-fetched, but by 2025 it is within the realm of possibility. The next chapter explores the reasons for weather-modification, defines the scope, and examines trends that will make it possible in the next 30 years.
Sound fantastic? Right out of a Hollywood movie? It's not. It's what your tax dollars are paying the military to do. Here is the cover sheet to the report made to our Air Force:

Weather as a Force Multiplier:
Owning the Weather in 2025
A Research Paper
Presented To
Air Force 2025
Col Tamzy J. House
Lt Col James B. Near, Jr.
LTC William B. Shields (USA)
Maj Ronald J. Celentano
Maj David M. Husband
Maj Ann E. Mercer
Maj James E. Pugh
August 1996
2025 is a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future. Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school nvironment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States government. 
This report contains fictional representations of future situations/scenarios. Any similarities to real people or events, other than those specifically cited, are unintentional and are for purposes of illustration only.

Really? Are you kidding me? Fictional representations are flying over American households and spraying Americans with toxic chemicals. 

Here's part of the table of contents to this "study" and a short rebuttal:

1 Introduction...first things first, then the other planets...
2 Required Capability .....obviously, not common sense......
Why Would We Want to Mess with the Weather? ...b/c it's way past medication time..
What Do We Mean by “Weather-modification”?, spraying crap over my house..
3 System Description...00010110111000Error!Abort!...
The Global Weather Network...b/c effing up one continent is not enough....
Applying Weather-modification to Military Operations...yeah, on my house...
4 Concept of Operations...the military has a concept?...
Precipitation .....or lack thereof in California....
Fog ....for the superhero effect....
Storms Sandy and Katrina to drive people off their land...
Exploitation of “NearSpace” for Space Control....NASA vs Star Wars....
Opportunities Afforded by Space Weather-modification...more crap on my house...
Communications Dominance via Ionospheric Modification....HAARP!....
Artificial Weather ....ignitable snow in the midwest and it's not even July 4th!....
Concept of Operations Summary...even more crap on my house...
5 Investigation Recommendations ..their investigation recommended destroying the Earth? yep, need meds and straight jackets...
How Do We Get There From Here? poisoning everyone on Earth!.....
Conclusions ...stop spraying crap on my house....

The inmates are running the asylum and we have further proof. Not only has the military made this study for our benefit but for anyone in the world to read. Thanks for admitting your complicity in destroying the Earth's ozone layer, air and water ways, your criminal trials should go more smoothly now.

And, if a big cartel or terrorist organization, the United States owns and operates, would like to fly out in their MIG's and attack US forces, all they will have to do to win is go online and implement all the geoengineering patents available to the public.

Kudos, Air Force.

Source: Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025

History Repeats Itself: Declaration of Rights, 1774, for America 2014

Staff Writer, R. Patrick Chapman 
History / Government

In the American colonies, the people had to put up with outright tyranny. Great Britain believed that the financial success of gold backed currency, the rum production off cheap molasses, and American freedom was undermining the Royal Crown.

The new Prime Minister of Great Britain, George Grenville, took office in 1763. His subsequent Acts to control colonial trade and money led to the American Revolution. Grenville passed The Currency Act of 1764, to force the colonies to use the Bank of England's currency in all forms of trade and commerce; The Sugar Act of 1764, to make the colonies buy British molasses and not the cheaper French, Dutch and Spanish West Indies in the Caribbean for their profitable rum production; and The Stamp Act of 1765, which was the worst legislation a monarch could introduce:
a direct tax on a wide array of items all across the economic spectrum of the colonial economy without their consent, which was a direct violation of the right of every Englishman not to be taxed without having his elected representative be a part of the deliberations that go on in Parliament before any such Act is decided upon.
Does all this sound familiar? What is happening today in America? If not, then read what Benjamin Franklin had to say on the matter in “The Examination of Benjamin Franklin” in The Parliamentary History of England from the Earliest Period to the Year 1803:
“To a concurrence of causes: the restraints lately laid on their trade, by which the bringing of foreign gold and silver into the Colonies was prevented; the prohibition of making paper money among themselves, and then demanding a new and heavy tax by stamps; taking away, at the same time, trials by juries, and refusing to receive and hear their humble petitions.”
Government controls even back in Franklin's time negatively impacted trade and currency in such a way that dismantled sound money and a growing economy. The Bank of England wanted its cut and total control over the colonies.

Today we are still fighting this battle against the Bank of England through Admiralty Law, which was established with the Act of 1871 making the United States into a corporation as well as the charter of the Federal Reserve system in 1913, in concert with the Federal Income Tax of 1913. 

In their struggle against direct taxes, lack of representation, harsh and illegal laws, and a corrupt banking system, the original thirteen colonies met in 1774 Philadelphia. In their conference, the colonies created the Declaration of Rights. Unbeknownst to their present circumstances, these men were forging into existence a new form of government.

Their grievances back then mirror in great detail the struggles we as Americans face now:
“That the inhabitants of the English colonies in North America, by the immutable laws of nature, the principles of the English Constitution, and the several charters or compacts, have the following rights:
-Resolved, that theyare entitled to life, liberty and property: and they have never ceded to any foreign power whatever, a right to dispose of either without their consent.
-Resolved, that our ancestors, who first settled these colonies, were at the time of their emigration from the mother country, entitled to all the rights, liberties, and immunities of free and natural-born subjects, within the realm of England. 
-Resolved, that by such emigration they by no means forfeited,  surrendered, or lost any of these rights, but that they were, and their descendants now are, entitled to the exercise and enjoyment of all such of them, as their local and other circumstances enable them to exercise and enjoy. 
-Resolved, that the foundation of English liberty, and of all free government, is a right in the people to participate in their legislative counsel: and as the English colonists are not represented, and from their local and other circumstances, cannot properly be represented in the British Parliament, they are entitled to a free and exclusive power of legislation in their several provincial legislatures, where their right of representation alone can be preserved, in all cases of taxation and internal polity, subject only to the negative of their sovereign, in such manner as has heretofore been used and accustomed: but, from the necessity of the case, and a regard to the mutual interests of both countries, we cheerfully consent to the operation of such acts of the British Parliament, as are bona fide, restrained to the regulation of our external commerce, for the purpose of securing the commercial advantages of the whole empire to the mother country, and the commercial benefits of its respective members; excluding every idea of taxation internal or external, for raising a revenue on the subjects, in America, without their consent. 
-Resolved, that the respective colonies are entitled to the common law of England, and more especially to the great inestimable privilege of being tried by their peers of the vicinity, according to the course of that law. 
-Resolved, that they are entitled to the benefit of such of the English statutes, as existed at the time of their colonization; and which they have, by experience, respectively found to be applicable to their several local and other circumstances. 
-Resolved, that these, his Majesty's colonies, are likewise entitled to all the immunities and privileges granted and confirmed to them by royal charters, or secured by their several codes of provincial laws. 
-Resolved, that they have a right peaceably to assemble, consider of their grievances, and petition the King; and that all prosecutions, prohibitory proclamations, and commitments for the same, are illegal. 
-Resolved, that the keeping a standing army in these colonies, in times of peace, without the consent of the legislature of the colony, in which such armies is kept, is against law. 
-Resolved, it is indispensably necessary to good government, and rendered essential by the English Constitution, that the constituent branches of the legislature be independent of each other, that, therefore, the exercise of legislative power in several colonies, by a counsel appointed, during pleasure, by the Crown, is unconstitutional, dangerous and destructive to the freedom of American legislation. In the course of our inquiry, we find many infringements and violations o the foregoing rights, which, from an ardent desire, that harmony and mutual intercourse of affection and interest may be restored, we pass over for the present, and proceed to state such acts and measures as have been adopted since the last war (the French and Indian Wars), which demonstrate a systematic form to enslave America. 
-Resolved, that the following acts of Parliament are infringements and violations of the rights of the colonists; and that the repeal of them is essentially necessary, in order to restore harmony between Great Britain and the American colonies: 
• The several acts which impose duties for the purpose of raising revenue in America, extend the power of the Admiralty courts beyond their ancient limits, deprive the American subject of trial by jury, authorize the judges certificate to indemnify the prosecution from damages, that he might otherwise be liable to, requiring oppressive security from a claimant of ships and good sees, before he shall be allowed to defend his property, and are subversive of American rights.
• Also an act for the better securing his Majesty’s dockyards, magazines, ships, ammunition, and stores which declares a new offense in America, and deprives the American subject of a constitutional trial by jury of the vicinity, by authorizing the trial of any person, charged with the committing any offense described in said act, out of the realm, to be indicted and tried for the same in any shyer or county within the realm. 
• Also the three acts passed in the last session of Parliament, for stopping the port and blocking up the harbor of Boston, for altering the charter and government of Massachusetts Bay, and that which is entitled, ‘An act for the better administration of justice, etc.’ 
• Also the act passed in the same session for establishing the Roman Catholic religion, in the province of Québec, abolishing the equitable system of English laws, and erecting a tyranny there, to the great danger (from so total a dissimilarity of religion, law and government) of the neighboring British colonies, by the assistance of whose blood and treasure the said country was conquered from France. 
• Also the active past in the same session, for the better providing suitable quarters for officers and soldiers in his Majesty's service, in North America. 
• Also, that the keeping a standing army in various of these colonies, in time of peace, without the consent of the legislature of that colony, in which such army is kept, is against law.
To these grievous acts and measures, Americans cannot submit, but in hopes that their fellow subjects in Great Britain will, on a revision of them, restore us to that state, in which both countries found happiness and prosperity, we have for the present, only resolved to pursue the following peaceable measures: 1. To enter into a non-importation, nonconsumption, and non-exportation agreement or association. 2. To prepare and an address to the people of Great Britain, and a memorial to the inhabitants of British America: and 3. To prepare a loyal address to his Majesty, agreeable to resolutions already entered into.”
Perhaps the American people need to send this Declaration of Rights to the White House in care of the Queen of England, the Bank of England, and the Vatican. Wouldn't that get someone's nickers in a twist?

Better yet, shouldn't we hold a Constitutional Convention?

Source: Our DocumentsRebuilding the Global Banking System, Early America,