Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Crude Nationalism

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Pledge / Nationalism 


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Third Year Anniversary

On this date, November 15, 2013, the Villa de Paz Gazette was born. 

Over the last three years, we have broke news, published exposes, and made readers aware of the world around them. Our motto continues to be...  Independent. Informed. Investigative. 

With our Editor, DL Mullan, the VDP Gazette has become a voice in the alternative media community. Essays, rebuttals, and opinion pieces have blazed a trail. Well, she does like to light things on fire: bridges, mostly. 

So if you have had fun, been informed, felt educated and entertained by the VDP Gazette, we hope you like the coming years. We do not know where the new administration of the United States is going but the Gazette's writers and editor will keep politicians on track with the American legacy. 

Truth, justice... and the American way. 

The Editor hopes you like the updated logo and feel to the website and blog. We will be finishing up the menu and pages in the near future. So stop by often and support us with your dollar.

Thank you!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Politicos, Mainstream Media like Globalism Failed Americans

Editor, DL Mullan
Commentary / Elections

There are many reasons for Americans to be angry at the political and economic elites and establishment.

Where would you like to begin?

The Kelo Decision. Mass Spying. Out of Balance Checks and Balances. Executive Orders. Agenda 21. Common Core. Multiculturalism. The Affordable Care Act. Economics. The Federal Reserve. Wall Street.

In the past few decades, at an increasing rate, politicos and mainstream media have been feeding Americans what they want them to know and feel. Yet these same people are surprised when Americans revolt against this manipulative conditioning. Americans want to forge their own path, not live someone else’s version of it.

Isn’t that what this nation was built upon? Rugged Individualism?

However, that is what the elites and establishment have tried to admonish Americans about the love of their country and way of life. So much so that the elite and establishment have gone to great lengths to program young Americans through the educational system against Truth, Justice, and the American Way, see the U.N.’s Common Core. Instead of giving the next generations hope and change, the elites and establishment have given them a Post Industrial America with service jobs that do not pay a living wage and higher education that in debts them for the rest of their lives.

It is a lose-lose situation.

Well, not if you are the Global elite and establishment. When you make education too expensive and the alternative unlivable, then you push the younger populations into military service. The military recruits are used and abused until reenlistment is unlikely due to medical or mental infirmary and then the Globalists leave them homeless or dying in our streets.

So if you go into service jobs, you can never afford owning your own home. If you take out loans to afford college, you will never afford to own your own home. If you go into the military, you become a wo/man without a home or country. This policy is acceptable herding of the human populations all over the world so the Global elite always have a new batch of young people to kill off and keep the wars going to fuel more and more military spending. 

The elite and establishment do not care about the human factor in their bid to take over every part of American life and in reality, the globe. To the elite humans can only be of use as cannon fodder or life long renters in a global corporate owned town.

These facts further display themtselves in the global markets and economies to bring all countries in line with globalist austerity policy. None for the masses, all for the elite and establishment. It is not hard to see how first world countries have been inflated and deflated.

Look at how America fares. The Federal Reserve has devalued the dollar so there is no economic buying power. Wall Street has devalued retirement funds so retirees have to continue to work. Corporations are doing everything they can to automate so that workers are unnecessary. Trade deals shove Americans out of competition and small businesses, industry. Monopolies are set up to funnel all the money up and not spread it around. Soon even Americans will be taxed out of their cars. The Affordable Care Act has already priced them out of health insurance with this exorbitant tax scheme.

Humans are being herded into unwinnable situations and under the boot of the elite and establishment. Control. Control. Control.

How would you like Americans to react? Keep voting in the same old same old? Americans have been revolting for over a decade now. What did you expect to happen media? Politicos?

Americans want their rights and freedoms restored. Politicos and media have done nothing to reject the Globalist regime. Politicos and media have not done their jobs to root out totalitarianism but to encourage and support it. That’s a problem.

The political and economic elites and establishment have ignored and demonized Americans year after year when Americans have voiced their concerns about the direction of their country. Americans voted in change from the disappointing Bush years, only to receive eight more horrible military industrial complex overreaching and overbearing Obama spending years that has created the chaos we see in the world today.

The elites and establishment did not listen because they were too busy filling their pockets with campaign contributions from their friends who then receive no bid contracts while telling Americans overspending on defense was for National Security. So America has this mass spying, guilty before proven innocent, fusion center, military apparatus sucking the life out of America.

Just like the PNAC document dictated. Still the establishment did as its white papers outlined with wars, regime change, and nation building all the while using our taxpayer funded military to protect poppy fields that finance radical cults, then using these cults as proxy armies in Syria, and bringing the U.S. to the brink of another war, this time with Russia.

The elite and establishment have also given us: the Patriot Act, which goes against our freedoms, U.N. free speech zones, which is against our Bill of Rights, and instituted U.N. policies and agendas across America at the local level that has overtaxed and overburdened Americans, their economies, and their politics.

The U.N.’s Agenda 21 has taken over property regulations and policies in cities and towns through taxpayer funded Sustainability Offices and short sided city councils. The Supreme Court has aided the stealing of American’s property with their Kelo Decision, where cities and towns decimated by economic downturns, have gone into infilling as well as utilizing eminent domain to seize Americans’ property to sell to large corporate campaign donors, politically called: redevelopment.

And don’t forget the pay to play of Public-Private Partnerships too!

Rural committees and voters are tired of being bullied and pushed out of their areas by the global government. In Scottsdale, we have the city turning off the only water source to rural homesteaders for the U.N.’s Agenda 21 for Strong City Initiatives, America 2030, and other complete and utter globalist nonsense disasters, referred to as climate change policies.

Americans are witnessing that they are being pushed off their land and it has come to pushing back against the corrupt system. The standoff in Nevada at the Bundy Ranch is one. The standoff in Oregon, which the ringleaders were acquitted, is another. One man, LaVoy Finicum, was ambushed and murdered by F.B.I. agents. The land in question is being sold to China and other foreign nations through politicians, see Bundy Ranch and the Bureau of Land Management’s selling of Nevada public lands, by regulating people off their lands.

Also see, Standing Rock.

Why aren’t politicians and city leaders being arrested by the Justice department?

Because the federal government is so corrupt and lawless that there is no such thing as the Justice department, unless you reorganize the letters to say: Just Us. Americans are not welcome in that scenario either.

So rural America is angry at the federal government and local municipalities for going against American interests, laws, and tradition in lieu of greasing palms and creating dead zones where Americans are no longer welcome in their own country.

That is a huge problem being glossed over by the media, politicos who bottom feed at the feet of the elite and establishment.

The elite and establishment are too into believing their own press to realize that their schemes and policies do not work on a wide scale. These regulations only work for them. The rest of us spend our time picking up the pieces of a collapsing world.

France is a great example of elite and establishment policies of Open Borders, refugee showdowns called multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is a failure.

It is not about White Power! Most white people do not sit around wanting to dominate other people or shut them out or belittle them. That thought pattern of White Power! is divisive and illogical and immature. White people are too busy working two and three dead end jobs because of Globalist economic policies to worry about anything else.

The White Power! excuse is used when the media and their politico friends cannot fathom why Americans refuse to fall in line to destroy their own country with Multiculturalism or any of the aforementioned elite or establishment idiocy covered herein. It means you do not have an argument but to call people names as was seen repeatedly last night during election coverage.

White people want what all people want: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Multiculturalism seeks to disrupt the cultural, social, and political balance of a country and plug in other people to suit an agenda. Multiculturalism is not about a melting pot but to stir the pot.

We have a large percentage of Hispanics in this country who believe that America stole their lands from them without regard to historical fact or two treaties. We have political and social organizations on college campuses and in communities encouraging these lies in order to create division and a non-English speaking voting block. These foreign national entities support illegal immigrants to hide in our country.

Illegal immigration costs Americans economic integrity, especially when illegal aliens wire funds to foreign nations instead of buying commodities stateside, and have children they cannot afford so our social services are overburdened in addition to having to maintain bilingual education because their children are not taught English at home, as well as costing rural communities their only hospitals in financial foreclosures near the border because of illegal influxes.

The Open Borders policy has given America an out of control illegal immigration problem that costs Americans around $2 Billion a year.

Do elites pay their fair share of the bill they created for us? Hell no. Elites and the establishment love to tinker but not take responsibility.

Elites are huge social engineers in this way. Social Justice Warriors are being funded by elites to disrupt political rallies, attack attendees, and terrorize people who do not agree with elite or establishment ideology. Political seats and proposition initiatives are propped up with out of state money from these elites. Americans do not want out of state or elite money coming in and telling us what to do and how to vote.

Our state. Our decision. Learn it.

Americans are also tired of being called racists, bigots, liars, thieves, and terrorists when they do not agree with elite’s decisions for the unacceptable direction of our country.

What you have seen on Election Day, November 8, 2016 is the implementation of the Declaration of Independence. Americans have thrown off the shackles of corporatism and globalism that has masqueraded as their government for over four decades. Our basic right is to have the government of our choosing.

This election was a referendum.

Americans have spoken as many people across the globe are doing to stop the endless wars, corporate and government lawlessness, and influx of huge numbers of political pawns called refugees to force social change in nations that do not want to bend to the elite and establishment’s will.

It is called Problem, Reaction, Solution. The elite and establishment create a problem, the People react: what are we to do?, and then the same people who created the issue give you their one and only solution or the sky will fall. Sound familiar?

If you do not agree, you are attacked by media, politicos, social justice warriors, and so-called “experts” that the problem is White Power! Racist. Bigots.

See how the elite and establishment feed on their own problems to create bigger problems? Because to the elites, you push the human herd until the camel’s back breaks and global governance is the only solutions for the corruption, wars, and terrorism to stop.

Or… the People can just say: enough!

Americans are tired of the circular reasoning of Globalism. Most people would call Globalism insanity, but Globalism is a symptom of the overall problem called elite egocentric governance. When you really get down to the brass tacks of the situation, the global elite and establishment are after money, power, and celebrity through destruction, disorder, and duplicity.

If it looks like treason, smells like treason, and sounds like treason… then that duck quacking down the isle of power is probably: treason.

The presidential upset of the status quo global elite and establishment party on election night U.S.A. is about politicos and media as well as globalism. The Fourth Estate is up for sale and the plantation was sold off to the highest bidder.

Journalists where is your integrity? Sold off. Sold out. Sellouts. The referendum last night was also on you.

Our country. Our decision. Learn it.

It is time to rebuild from the clutches of the destruction of NeoCon, NeoLiberal, Globalist, elitist, establishment policies that have shadowed the world in darkness.

Let’s finally wake up to the light of the People’s own personal power and bring peace to our planet once and for all.

If you are not for a better world, you are literally on the side of the terrorists. No pun intended.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Remember, Remember the First of November

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Coup / Treason 

It is about damn time!

Americans are standing up against Globalism. Vote out Globalist politicians from office. Let's end the deception and treason of corruption in our government from local, state, to federal offices.

Source: Steve Pieczenik

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Calling All Americans... Time to Take a Stand at Standing Rock

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Private Property / Rights

Standing Rock, North Dakota has become another stand off between corporate profits and individual property rights. If you believe in Climate Change or not, this situation has proven once again that our federal government is lawless and law enforcers are following illegal orders. 

Image for Your Social Media profile.
Native Lands, First Nations are private lands. No corporation or person should be allowed access to these lands without expressed permission of the people residing there. This stance is not up for debate. Would you want someone coming into your home to build a pipeline or digging up your relatives because it served the purpose of corporate profits? 

Americans have a choice: keep watching sports or actually do the right thing. 

Militias with the permission of the Sioux tribe should be up there guarding against the destruction of private property. 

Everyone else not within driving distance to protest at Standing Rock should be calling their federal representatives about this fiasco. We the People need to demand this pipeline ceased. The Army Corp of Engineers has exceeded its legal authority. 

How Americans can rise up against Globalism, Corporate takeover of our resources, and political graft: 

Call Your Representatives... The House of Representatives 
Call your Senators... The Senate  

Call the President himself... The White House
Here you can submit you comments and questions online via this White House form.  

Call Supreme Court Justices....  The Supreme Court

Why the Supreme Court, you ask? Without their decisions like Kelo and the Affordable Care Act, we would not be in half the messes we are in today. The Court just like the rest of the government are acting without our consent or authority. They are acting as a dictatorship oligarchy for the elite. 

That must end.

Take Action. Take it now. Take it every chance you have.

Until the ire of the People is more powerful than corporate lobbying and graft as well as the elitist power structure's command and control of our politicians, then we have no hope to regain our sovereign rights as a people and as a nation. 

The first act is to respect others private property.  

End the Stand off at Standing Rock.

Source: USAgov, Standing Rock  

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Alternative Media Omits Info Like Mainstream Media for Profit and Politics

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Abortion ;/ Spiritual Tyranny

Many celebrity hosts and speakers in the alternative right media movement have become just as biased as the mainstream media itself by omitting facts and skewing information to fit a predetermined outcome.

The alternative right has a narrative to call into question anyone’s morality for opposing their pro religious, pro life stance. Margaret Sanger is a eugenicist! She and Hitler gave each other awards and honors and pixie dust! Yes, there have been bad people in the world but demonizing everyone for mistakes of a few does not make reality go away.

Religious rights and abortions top the list of misinformation and disinformation categories worshiped and maligned by said commentators who spin a narrative of human suffering and tribulation if the right does not get its way.

The right alternative news would have listeners and readers believe that Christianity is somehow being stifled and attacked because ministers are not allowed to politicize their sermons. What would be the need? Why do ministers of a faith need to patronize politics? Aren’t pastors supposed to be preaching the good word? Where did Jesus allow that type of vanity in his church?

Does this mean churches are now going to begin paying taxes like all other types of businesses? That would be the free market solution.   

The right believes that if ministers are allowed to preach about politics from the pulpit that that would be in accordance with their rights to freedom of speech, yet these proponents of a religious free for all fail to realize that the government cannot make any laws for the establishment of any religion.

So if one religion is allowed to preach politics from the pulpit… ALL religions including Islam and the Church of Satan will also be given the same allowance. Will the Christian right be able to handle the equality?

The right alternative media has to learn that their view of the world is a narrow plank for us to walk on. Jesus! God! Satan! are great dynamics to direct fear into the hearts of their listeners and create a low information voter fan base to hang on their every word, but that also makes the right alternative media as ridiculous as their “liberal” media counterparts they so love to criticize.  

Take for instance the topic of abortion. The way the right alternative media spins the medical procedure, women in the U.S. would have to be slutty murderers having three or four abortions each at the seventh month plus mark every year, which is silly and divisive. The solution of course, they offer, is that we need religion and a father figure to tell us how to run our lives.

That is the problem with religion. That is the problem when media outlets preach instead of bringing their listeners and readers factual information. Facts are more than mere statistics that can be misused and misrepresented. Information like that becomes a weapon instead of an agent of enlightenment.

Women have seen at the hands of religion, and especially Christianity in the West, the negative impact of blind obedience. The Salem Witch Trials and various offshoots of the command and control operation have caused so much harm that their religious atrocities are still felt even today. The trials saw 200 people accused and 20 killed. Innocent victims of hysteria to silence women, acquire their estate holdings, and discredit women herbalists and midwives as agents of the devil.

The witch hunt continues…

Politicians and the Church go hand in hand to commit such violent crimes in order to control every aspect of a woman’s life. The current witch hunt has been women’s reproductive health. Without proper medical procedures, many women would be dead from complications attributed from pregnancy. Oh wait… with increasing regulations to cut these vital medical services off from women… women are dying at embarrassing rates here in the United States.

WHO statistics on the matter are clear. The world has a maternal death problem faith cannot hope to solve:
In 2015, an estimated 303 000 women will die from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth. In addition, for every woman who dies in childbirth, dozens more suffer injury, infection or disease.
The majority of maternal deaths are due to haemorrhage, infection, unsafe abortion, and eclampsia (very high blood pressure leading to seizures), or from health complications worsened in pregnancy. In all these cases, unavailable, inaccessible, unaffordable, or poor quality care is fundamentally responsible. Maternal deaths are detrimental to social development and wellbeing, as some 1 million children are left motherless each year. These children are more likely to die within 1-2 years of their mothers' death.
Women need not die in childbirth. We must give a young woman the information and support she needs to address her reproductive health needs, help her through a pregnancy, and care for her and her newborn well into childhood. The vast majority of maternal deaths could be prevented if women had access to quality family planning services; skilled care during pregnancy, childbirth and after delivery; or post-abortion care and where permissible, safe abortion services. Increased attention for women living in conflict situations, or under humanitarian crisis is needed because a working health system with skilled personnel is key to saving these women's lives.

In the United States, the numbers are logged by the CDC's Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance System. A stark reminder that even in a First World Nation, the U.S. is behind on maternal care. One death is one too many.

Read America's Baby Catastrophe for details on how America stands in maternal care versus the rest of the world as well as Maternal Deaths in Childbirth Rise in U.S

The right alternative media cries about the 11,000 late term abortions that the CDC lists in its statistics, but refuses to tell its readers why. Because if you omit vital information, then telling your version of the story becomes truth. An omission is a lie. The alternative right media has become an old hand at creating these false pretenses to justify spiritual tyranny.

If you would like to learn about what is and is not religion or politics about abortion, then please read a doctor’s point of view: Donald Trump Confuses Birth With Abortion. And No, There Are No Ninth Month Abortions.

A critical pro life argument is that women are having late term abortions because women are sluts and murderers and have no moral authority to guide them. Let’s deal with what the aforementioned doctor states instead of patriarchal superstition:
Some of the 0.3 percent of abortions after 21 weeks will be for personal reasons. Often these are called elective abortions, but I don’t like that term. Usually this happens when it took too long to find a clinic and raise the money. These abortions happen before 24 weeks. There is no ninth month action here either.
Late term abortions usually happen because of what Christian lawmakers have done to demonize and politicize abortions to the point where women are unable to find appropriate healthcare or to have the money to pay for one during the first trimester. You can thank religious politicians for making the 0.3 percent of abortions in this scenario possible by regulating clinics and women’s healthcare to the brink of extinction.

But no alternative right media host or celebrity will tell you that their pro life restrictions on abortion caused the problem they rail against in their op-eds or shows. It is too easy to blame women instead of their own short sidedness.

The Christian establishment and its media mouthpieces are again carrying on the age old tradition of witch trials. This round seeks to eliminate necessary health benefits to women’s reproductive care in order to control conception, pregnancy, and birth. Their continued hack job interference is leaving over 300,000 women dead and 1 million children motherless in this world.

Is that their god’s plan?

Controlling what is misunderstood by unqualified preachers and media celebrities has become big business for the right alternative media at the cost of women’s lives and children’s mothers.

Maybe the right alternative media movement should step away from their pedestals of self righteousness. The next time the alternative right press have the ear to a certain Republican Presidential Candidate they should do the smart and mature behavior and tell him to leave women’s health to the professionals.

The Christian right is killing women. That is not preserving life. That is not keeping the family together when the mother is dead and the babies die within a few years because of maternal death. Men of the cloth are not women’s health experts. They are not experts in anything but a dusty old tome.

And these religious men want political power too?

The extreme right, religious view is not sanity when it comes to women’s reproductive services. All this pro life arguing is for command and control of women's lives. Why else would radio hosts, celebrity speakers, and articles written to attack a medical procedure be this much fodder? Without proper women's health services that include contraception and abortions, the pro life brigade is actually killing women with an increasing amount of maternal deaths. 

It is not skewing the statistics for money, preaching to a fan base of like minded individuals, or writing articles for product placement. It is simply irresponsible to politicize women's health issues for religion and profit. That is why Christian pastors, ministers, and preachers have not earned the public's trust to receive blanket authority to politicize any topic from the pulpit. Religion and politics do not mix: women somehow always get burned at the stake. 

When is humanity going to put women and children first and finally say: men masquerading as god need not apply.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Mr. Olbermann and the Act of Treason

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
The Republic / Belief Systems 

No, Mr. Olbermann, that is Not Treason.

In the last forty to fifty years, treason against the United States has become a game of whodunit or who will catch us! The same players are always involved: Republicans and Democrats. So, when are we going to begin the arrests?

Treason is defined by the Constitution is Article 3, Section 3:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
We have plenty of witnesses and confessions on the behalf of the Neo Conservative / Liberal caste of our society who openly commit treason against the People.

The United States of America is a Republic. In a Republic, individual rights are assumed greater and more precious than a belief system, economic theory, or ideology.  Here is a summary of what a Republic is:  

Here’s how it works: in democratic or republican systems, there is a kind of majority rule. In democracies, the 51% rules over the 49% and has total control. The 51% can do whatever it wants, because in democracies there are not structures in place to protect individual rights.
If 51% vote to steal your bike, you are without a bike. If 51% vote to kill you, you are out of a life. It does not matter if it is right or not, what the majority says is what happens.
A republic is different though, and it operates for the protection of the individual against the majority when they get out of control. It is very important to protect the rights of the individual in a political system, for that is how governments are limited in their power and scope.

So let’s take Gender Ideology. Some will argue that individuals choosing whatever gender or façade s/he would like to present to the world is an individual right. Correct so far.

Then these gender ideologies are pushed into the public arena as politics to change how society functions. Men dressed as females as part of their gender identity therefore have the individual right to use women’s public restrooms. That would be false.

When your belief system is your own private Idaho, you are protected under the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Once you take your privately held beliefs to change your persona and force that belief onto others, well, you have now infringed on other people’s individual rights. Women have the right to a safe, secure area in public for which to use the restroom without fear or challenge.

Just like public restrooms had to be changed for individuals in wheelchairs, that supported people’s individual rights for sexual privacy in restrooms in business, government, or other establishments.

Gender ideology does not secure sexual privacy; it eliminates it. Add to the fact that men are most likely to commit sexual crimes against women, and the individual right to force gender ideology onto an unsuspecting public all but dissolves.

You have the right to dress like a tart. Men have been dressing like tarts for thousands of years. Look at all the oil paintings of monarchs and learned men: tart, tart, tart.

But that does not give Transgender individuals the right to override other people’s individual rights. It’s called personal responsibility. We have somehow lost that individual philosophy while looking for instant gratification.

Another example would be the economic theory of Trickle Down Economics. What a scam. This “theory” proposed that if you give all the economic profit to the wealthy they would create jobs and buy, buy, buy! as their own economic stimulus.

Trickle Down Economics was another term for Highway Robbery. The wealthy as they do and continue to do is stash, stash, stash! they’re wealth. The money is therefore taken out of circulation and the economy worsens because there is no way to loosen the monetary purse strings.

The theory was aptly named because the very, very rich peed on the rest of America. This economic theory showed how and when you take the economic engine away from the individual that the economy dies. Everyone in a society has the individual right to compete and participate in the economy as an equal.

The bulk of the money in an economy should be concentrated in the lower half of the economic sphere. That means the 50% of the society making less should have a more fluid availability of money. This fluidity allows for motility and market volatility. The money made at the bottom will then filter through the rungs above them: Middle Class, Upper Middle Class, and into the affluent caste.

The rich will always receive the money at the end of the day, but Trickle Down Economics did not even allow for the bottom classes to even compete or participate in the market. The market was essentially closed off for the profiteering of a few.

That is against our individual rights. That is favoritism, corruption, and a monopoly. That is why Trickle Dawn Economics does not work: it’s against our Anti Trust philosophy.

So is the TIPP, TPP, NAFTA, and other economic packages that parse down economics into a corporate governance that rules over the servant classes, which is everyone else who is forced to spend their money on corporate agendas, fads, and products. A corporatocracy is nothing but living in a global corporate town where the profits go up and nothing comes back down: no competition, no motility, no individual rights are protected. Welcome to minimum wage living in coffin apartments where you can only ride the light rail and go nowhere else in life.

That would define monopolies, Too Big To Fail, Agenda 21, and other nonsense as direct threats against our founding principles and individual rights. Treason comes in all forms. Economics has been used as a weapon ever since the Central Banks took over our economy and money supply. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 is unconstitutional and dare we say; Treason. The People are supposed to be in control, not a foreign corporation.

For the last distinction between a personally held belief versus individual rights, we have belief systems. A belief system is a religious dogma, or practice. The First Amendment protects individuals from intrusion against the majority forcing them to stop their worship. If you worship a rock or an imaginary person/god/ghost/alien being, then the government and others cannot force you to stop believing and worshiping as you wish.

However… we have had a movement in this country since Goldwater, called the Right, Evangelism, and other conservative names, who believe that right is might. This use of religion in politics is a way to make the United States of America into a Christian theocracy.

Since not every Christian believes in the same tenets of the religion and still others in this country who are not Christian at all, we have a huge problem with religion taking over the government one seat at a time and forcing that belief system on the rest of America. That would be called: treason. A religion, a belief system, is overthrowing the values and freedoms of the Republic.

An individual has the right to worship as they see fit. A religion does not have the right to make laws in this country that interfere, abolish, or subsume other American’s individual rights. That would be the crux of religion being used as an act of treason because it is overthrowing individual rights for the rights of a group’s view of the world.  

So Mr. Olbermann, you wanted to know what treason is happening in our country? The above summation should give you a great head start.

The United States of America is a Republic being hit on all sides with acts that erode our Constitution and Bill of Rights with ideologies that do not protect, promote, or support individual rights against a majority view.

We are NOT a democracy. We are a Republic. Maybe it is about time we shrug off the immaturity of ideologies and beliefs for a bigger prize: freedoms and rights as promised by our Founding Fathers.

Anything else to subject individuals to a fad or fringe or belief against their rights is nothing more than a stark failure of the People to run their government as it was intended.
“Congress has no power to make any religious establishments.”
~Founding Father Roger Sherman, Congress, August 19, 1789
And neither does the Supreme Court…

Friday, October 21, 2016

Welcome to the Republic

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Separation between Church and State

Well, what's left of it. 

The United States of America was founded on solid principles of freedoms and rights. In the last 240 years, Americans have been pulled away from this foundation through lies and manipulation. Today, our Republic transformed into a democracy and now is an oligarchy.

A few Americans have taken up the mantle to return the pendulum to the other direction: back to a Republic. In this fight against a worldwide regime called Globalism, the people are standing up against tyranny. Here in the states, our fight has turned from Truth, Justice, and the American Way and into an unwavering theocracy.

A theocracy is a country that is ruled by religious leaders. Does that sound like Americans are being directed back to our founding principles of individual freedoms and rights? When we have politicians in congressional seats, governorships, or even on school boards directing our lives in accordance with their religious belief system instead of following the laws, we do not have a Republic.  

And, you cannot have it both ways.

We have politicians acting in the role of religious leaders who are taking away rights from the People, demonizing medical procedures, preferring one gender over another, and pushing one religion over everybody else.

Houston, we have a problem. Or should I say: Austin?

We have an alternative media that is chalk full of religious zealots that support these political maneuvers. God, this! Jesus, that! To convince listeners, readers, and fandom that if GOD is not placed back into politics and the public sphere that they are all going to hell! The demons will win!

What a bunch of crapola.

Evil happens when good men sit and do nothing. We have a whole bunch of do nothings in this nation. Only the brave are standing up against the Global takeover of the People’s resources and wealth.

God has nothing to do with it. God is the creation of the elite power structure to keep you all slaves. Mental slaves. Emotional slaves. Financial slaves.

I am wrong? Let’s talk this out… So Jesus came to Earth but there is hardly a record of him in ancient times to corroborate the Bible. If he was so groundbreaking wouldn’t everyone be writing about him, good or bad? The first stories of him were written decades after his supposed disappearance and in Greek, not in Aramaic. The Council of Nicea to formulate this newfound power base, I mean religion, did not convene until about 300 years later. Anyone who questioned or argued that Jesus was not divine was excommunicated or killed. The Bible was then created and we are not sure about where these texts derived from or who actually wrote them. Many texts are hidden in the bowels of the Vatican like many ancient manuscripts. Since then the Bible has been rewritten over 200 times. Women are often demonized in Biblical stories and/or made subservient to men.

Do I have that all straight?

When you add comparative mythology/religion into the mix you discover that older religions were stuffed into the Jesus story. The Bible is not original. The Bible steals from other cultures.

That is nothing new. Christians have been stealing pagan traditions for hundreds and hundreds of years. Christmas tree, anyone?

Then the New World was opened up to the peoples of Europe. Tired of the wars between feuding and feudal kings and lords as well as the tyranny of the Catholic Church, people moved away from that system.

Only to set up the exact same oppressive system here!

The Founding Fathers of the United States did not intend for any one religion to reign supreme in this new nation. As a nation that has people, cultures, religions, music and food from around the globe, we can never say we are for only one religion. It is impossible and frankly quite dishonest.

Why the United States of America is a Republic:

There’s a reason why the American founders created a republic, and not a democracy. Republics are the best form of government for protecting the individual from the tyranny of the majority. And there most certainly is a tyranny of the majority that always manifests in democratic style systems.

Here’s how it works: in democratic or republican systems, there is a kind of majority rule. In democracies, the 51% rules over the 49% and has total control. The 51% can do whatever it wants, because in democracies there are not structures in place to protect individual rights.

If 51% vote to steal your bike, you are without a bike. If 51% vote to kill you, you are out of a life. It does not matter if it is right or not, what the majority says is what happens.

A republic is different though, and it operates for the protection of the individual against the majority when they get out of control. It is very important to protect the rights of the individual in a political system, for that is how governments are limited in their power and scope.

Yet we have a religious caste who have separated themselves from the rest of America and voted in their like minded politicians to create this terrible imbalance. Due process has been replaced by bullying the People with Problem Reaction Solution:

  • Abortion laws to take away individual rights from women.
  • Drug testing laws to take away individual rights to the Fifth Amendment.
  • Laws that safeguard polluting corporations and neglectful employers against the health and safety of workers.
  • And, even laws to limit or take away social benefits from individuals even though the religious caste of politicians have moved all our industry and jobs to foreign shores, made higher education too expensive, and created wars to send young people to fight instead of maintain the infrastructure of our own country.
So the religious leaders masquerading as politicians have created poverty, destruction, and the murder of millions and millions of children with their righteous policies of war and conquest.

In this sense, religion has been used to overthrow the very foundations of our government. Treason comes in all forms: Globalism… and right is might. In 1776, our Founding Fathers threw off the yoke of religious based government. The divine right of kings was over.

Yet we have alternative media outlets screaming and yelling about abortion and how their religion is going to fix women… real good.

No abortion. No birth control… next women will have to sacrifice more of their rights for this man made religious cult. Then we won’t be able to own property, have a vote, or be educated at all.

What was that quote from Malala Yousafzai:

"The extremists were and they are afraid of books and pens, the power of education frightens them," Malala said. "They are afraid of women, the power of the voice of women frightens them…”

We have that patriarchal fear in this country too.

The patriarchy is not dead. Patriarchy is when a family, group, or government is controlled by a man or a group of men. When men can do the same acts as women but women are scorned, given the blame, and yet men take none of the responsibility, then you have a patriarchy.

And I did not have to pour pig’s blood all over me in a vain attempt at menstrual reverie and call it art to do it either. I just looked up the definition in the dictionary. Drama queen not included.

If the religious right in this country really wanted to stop most abortions they could, right now, today. They could do it by following their own religious edicts and not by taking away anyone’s individual rights to do it.

Here’s how men could turn abortion around:

  • Abstain from sex, period
  • Do not have sex unless you and your mate want to create a zygote
  • If you have sex against your religious beliefs no matter if it is with a prostitute, one night stand, girlfriend, or wife, a condom must be used at all times
  • After you and your mate are done having children: have a vasectomy
  • When you get diagnosed with Erectile Dysfunction, refuse the little blue pill
In accordance with the conservative views on sex, marriage, and abortion, all men in this group should be adhering to the above rules. Men need to take responsibility for their actions and stop laying it at the feet of women.

If you aren’t abiding by your own religious mandates. then you cannot take the moral high ground on any type of reproductive procedure. A zygote is created with a sperm and an egg… a woman cannot have a child on her own. You are one half of your own problem.

Get a clue.

Conservative mandates and our Republican form of government do not mesh. Religious versus individual rights. In a Republic, an individual’s rights trump religious dogma. But the conservative values are to nullify individual rights and have been trashing our Bill of Rights on a regular basis:
  • Blanket law enforcement laws and militarizing police
  • Blanket intelligence laws; mass spying
  • Illegally invading sovereign countries; regime change
  • Drug testing for employees and food stamp recipients
So much for compassionate conservatives.

But today is about setting the record straight. The United States of America is not a conservative country. It is not a religious country. We are supposed to be a Republic, for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

The god reference was taken out because it was placed in during the red scare of communism. It is not original to our pledge. So I leave it out because it is religious propaganda and against our founding principles.

A nation under One GOD, a candidate said… here’s what our Founders had to say about that:  

1. “If I could conceive that the general government might ever be so administered as to render the liberty of conscience insecure, I beg you will be persuaded, that no one would be more zealous than myself to establish effectual barriers against the horrors of spiritual tyranny, and every species of religious persecution.”
~Founding Father George Washington, letter to the United Baptist Chamber of Virginia, May 1789

2. “Of all the animosities which have existed among mankind, those which are caused by a difference of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought to be deprecated. I was in hopes that the enlightened and liberal policy, which has marked the present age, would at least have reconciled Christians of every denomination so far that we should never again see the religious disputes carried to such a pitch as to endanger the peace of society.”
~Founding Father George Washington, letter to Edward Newenham, October 20, 1792

3. “We have abundant reason to rejoice that in this Land the light of truth and reason has triumphed over the power of bigotry and superstition… In this enlightened Age and in this Land of equal liberty it is our boast, that a man’s religious tenets will not forfeit the protection of the Laws, nor deprive him of the right of attaining and holding the highest Offices that are known in the United States.”
~Founding Father George Washington, letter to the members of the New Church in Baltimore, January 27, 1793

4. “The United States of America have exhibited, perhaps, the first example of governments erected on the simple principles of nature; and if men are now sufficiently enlightened to disabuse themselves of artifice, imposture, hypocrisy, and superstition, they will consider this event as an era in their history. Although the detail of the formation of the American governments is at present little known or regarded either in Europe or in America, it may hereafter become an object of curiosity. It will never be pretended that any persons employed in that service had interviews with the gods, or were in any degree under the influence of Heaven, more than those at work upon ships or houses, or laboring in merchandise or agriculture; it will forever be acknowledged that these governments were contrived merely by the use of reason and the senses.”
~John Adams, “A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America” 1787-1788

5. “The Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.”
~1797 Treaty of Tripoli signed by Founding Father John Adams

6. “Thirteen governments [of the original states] thus founded on the natural authority of the people alone, without a pretence of miracle or mystery, and which are destined to spread over the northern part of that whole quarter of the globe, are a great point gained in favor of the rights of mankind.”
~Founding Father John Adams, “A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America” (1787-88)

7. “We should begin by setting conscience free. When all men of all religions shall enjoy equal liberty, property, and an equal chance for honors and power we may expect that improvements will be made in the human character and the state of society.”
~Founding FatherJohn Adams, letter to Dr. Price, April 8, 1785

8. “I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state.”
~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, letter to the Baptists of Danbury, Connecticut, 1802

9. “In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. It is error alone that needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.”
~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to Horatio Spofford, 1814

10. “Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, then that of blindfolded fear.”
~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, letter to Peter Carr, August 10, 1787

11. “I am for freedom of religion and against all maneuvers to bring about a legal ascendancy of one sect over another.”
~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, letter to Elbridge Gerry, January 26, 1799

So the next time you want to throw the Constitution and Bill of Rights under the bus of the religious fervor, then you better get your facts straight.

The alternative right, right, conservative base, Christianity, and whatever else extreme views are out there to undermine the Republic, remember that the Founding Fathers are NOT on your side. You stand against the Republic when you lecture and promote your religion over American values and individual rights, if you agree with them or not… it is not for you to say.

From the Center, just one step to the Left… where common sense apparently still lives.

Welcome to the Republic

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Separation between Church and State

Well, what's left of it. 

The United States of America was founded on solid principles of freedoms and rights. In the last 240 years, Americans have been pulled away from this foundation through lies and manipulation. Today, our Republic transformed into a democracy and now is an oligarchy.

A few Americans have taken up the mantle to return the pendulum to the other direction: back to a Republic. In this fight against a worldwide regime called Globalism, the people are standing up against tyranny. Here in the states, our fight has turned from Truth, Justice, and the American Way and into an unwavering theocracy.

A theocracy is a country that is ruled by religious leaders. Does that sound like Americans are being directed back to our founding principles of individual freedoms and rights? When we have politicians in congressional seats, governorships, or even on school boards directing our lives in accordance with their religious belief system instead of following the laws, we do not have a Republic.  

And, you cannot have it both ways.

We have politicians acting in the role of religious leaders who are taking away rights from the People, demonizing medical procedures, preferring one gender over another, and pushing one religion over everybody else.

Houston, we have a problem. Or should I say: Austin?

We have an alternative media that is chalk full of religious zealots that support these political maneuvers. God, this! Jesus, that! To convince listeners, readers, and fandom that if GOD is not placed back into politics and the public sphere that they are all going to hell! The demons will win!

What a bunch of crapola.

Evil happens when good men sit and do nothing. We have a whole bunch of do nothings in this nation. Only the brave are standing up against the Global takeover of the People’s resources and wealth.

God has nothing to do with it. God is the creation of the elite power structure to keep you all slaves. Mental slaves. Emotional slaves. Financial slaves.

I am wrong? Let’s talk this out… So Jesus came to Earth but there is hardly a record of him in ancient times to corroborate the Bible. If he was so groundbreaking wouldn’t everyone be writing about him, good or bad? The first stories of him were written decades after his supposed disappearance and in Greek, not in Aramaic. The Council of Nicea to formulate this newfound power base, I mean religion, did not convene until about 300 years later. Anyone who questioned or argued that Jesus was not divine was excommunicated or killed. The Bible was then created and we are not sure about where these texts derived from or who actually wrote them. Many texts are hidden in the bowels of the Vatican like many ancient manuscripts. Since then the Bible has been rewritten over 200 times. Women are often demonized in Biblical stories and/or made subservient to men.

Do I have that all straight?

When you add comparative mythology/religion into the mix you discover that older religions were stuffed into the Jesus story. The Bible is not original. The Bible steals from other cultures.

That is nothing new. Christians have been stealing pagan traditions for hundreds and hundreds of years. Christmas tree, anyone?

Then the New World was opened up to the peoples of Europe. Tired of the wars between feuding and feudal kings and lords as well as the tyranny of the Catholic Church, people moved away from that system.

Only to set up the exact same oppressive system here!

The Founding Fathers of the United States did not intend for any one religion to reign supreme in this new nation. As a nation that has people, cultures, religions, music and food from around the globe, we can never say we are for only one religion. It is impossible and frankly quite dishonest.

Why the United States of America is a Republic:

There’s a reason why the American founders created a republic, and not a democracy. Republics are the best form of government for protecting the individual from the tyranny of the majority. And there most certainly is a tyranny of the majority that always manifests in democratic style systems.

Here’s how it works: in democratic or republican systems, there is a kind of majority rule. In democracies, the 51% rules over the 49% and has total control. The 51% can do whatever it wants, because in democracies there are not structures in place to protect individual rights.

If 51% vote to steal your bike, you are without a bike. If 51% vote to kill you, you are out of a life. It does not matter if it is right or not, what the majority says is what happens.

A republic is different though, and it operates for the protection of the individual against the majority when they get out of control. It is very important to protect the rights of the individual in a political system, for that is how governments are limited in their power and scope.

Yet we have a religious caste who have separated themselves from the rest of America and voted in their like minded politicians to create this terrible imbalance. Due process has been replaced by bullying the People with Problem Reaction Solution:

  • Abortion laws to take away individual rights from women.
  • Drug testing laws to take away individual rights to the Fifth Amendment.
  • Laws that safeguard polluting corporations and neglectful employers against the health and safety of workers.
  • And, even laws to limit or take away social benefits from individuals even though the religious caste of politicians have moved all our industry and jobs to foreign shores, made higher education too expensive, and created wars to send young people to fight instead of maintain the infrastructure of our own country.
So the religious leaders masquerading as politicians have created poverty, destruction, and the murder of millions and millions of children with their righteous policies of war and conquest.

In this sense, religion has been used to overthrow the very foundations of our government. Treason comes in all forms: Globalism… and right is might. In 1776, our Founding Fathers threw off the yoke of religious based government. The divine right of kings was over.

Yet we have alternative media outlets screaming and yelling about abortion and how their religion is going to fix women… real good.

No abortion. No birth control… next women will have to sacrifice more of their rights for this man made religious cult. Then we won’t be able to own property, have a vote, or be educated at all.

What was that quote from Malala Yousafzai:

"The extremists were and they are afraid of books and pens, the power of education frightens them," Malala said. "They are afraid of women, the power of the voice of women frightens them…”

We have that patriarchal fear in this country too.

The patriarchy is not dead. Patriarchy is when a family, group, or government is controlled by a man or a group of men. When men can do the same acts as women but women are scorned, given the blame, and yet men take none of the responsibility, then you have a patriarchy.

And I did not have to pour pig’s blood all over me in a vain attempt at menstrual reverie and call it art to do it either. I just looked up the definition in the dictionary. Drama queen not included.

If the religious right in this country really wanted to stop most abortions they could, right now, today. They could do it by following their own religious edicts and not by taking away anyone’s individual rights to do it.

Here’s how men could turn abortion around:

  • Abstain from sex, period
  • Do not have sex unless you and your mate want to create a zygote
  • If you have sex against your religious beliefs no matter if it is with a prostitute, one night stand, girlfriend, or wife, a condom must be used at all times
  • After you and your mate are done having children: have a vasectomy
  • When you get diagnosed with Erectile Dysfunction, refuse the little blue pill
In accordance with the conservative views on sex, marriage, and abortion, all men in this group should be adhering to the above rules. Men need to take responsibility for their actions and stop laying it at the feet of women.

If you aren’t abiding by your own religious mandates. then you cannot take the moral high ground on any type of reproductive procedure. A zygote is created with a sperm and an egg… a woman cannot have a child on her own. You are one half of your own problem.

Get a clue.

Conservative mandates and our Republican form of government do not mesh. Religious versus individual rights. In a Republic, an individual’s rights trump religious dogma. But the conservative values are to nullify individual rights and have been trashing our Bill of Rights on a regular basis:
  • Blanket law enforcement laws and militarizing police
  • Blanket intelligence laws; mass spying
  • Illegally invading sovereign countries; regime change
  • Drug testing for employees and food stamp recipients
So much for compassionate conservatives.

But today is about setting the record straight. The United States of America is not a conservative country. It is not a religious country. We are supposed to be a Republic, for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

The god reference was taken out because it was placed in during the red scare of communism. It is not original to our pledge. So I leave it out because it is religious propaganda and against our founding principles.

A nation under One GOD, a candidate said… here’s what our Founders had to say about that:  

1. “If I could conceive that the general government might ever be so administered as to render the liberty of conscience insecure, I beg you will be persuaded, that no one would be more zealous than myself to establish effectual barriers against the horrors of spiritual tyranny, and every species of religious persecution.”
~Founding Father George Washington, letter to the United Baptist Chamber of Virginia, May 1789

2. “Of all the animosities which have existed among mankind, those which are caused by a difference of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought to be deprecated. I was in hopes that the enlightened and liberal policy, which has marked the present age, would at least have reconciled Christians of every denomination so far that we should never again see the religious disputes carried to such a pitch as to endanger the peace of society.”
~Founding Father George Washington, letter to Edward Newenham, October 20, 1792

3. “We have abundant reason to rejoice that in this Land the light of truth and reason has triumphed over the power of bigotry and superstition… In this enlightened Age and in this Land of equal liberty it is our boast, that a man’s religious tenets will not forfeit the protection of the Laws, nor deprive him of the right of attaining and holding the highest Offices that are known in the United States.”
~Founding Father George Washington, letter to the members of the New Church in Baltimore, January 27, 1793

4. “The United States of America have exhibited, perhaps, the first example of governments erected on the simple principles of nature; and if men are now sufficiently enlightened to disabuse themselves of artifice, imposture, hypocrisy, and superstition, they will consider this event as an era in their history. Although the detail of the formation of the American governments is at present little known or regarded either in Europe or in America, it may hereafter become an object of curiosity. It will never be pretended that any persons employed in that service had interviews with the gods, or were in any degree under the influence of Heaven, more than those at work upon ships or houses, or laboring in merchandise or agriculture; it will forever be acknowledged that these governments were contrived merely by the use of reason and the senses.”
~John Adams, “A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America” 1787-1788

5. “The Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.”
~1797 Treaty of Tripoli signed by Founding Father John Adams

6. “Thirteen governments [of the original states] thus founded on the natural authority of the people alone, without a pretence of miracle or mystery, and which are destined to spread over the northern part of that whole quarter of the globe, are a great point gained in favor of the rights of mankind.”
~Founding Father John Adams, “A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America” (1787-88)

7. “We should begin by setting conscience free. When all men of all religions shall enjoy equal liberty, property, and an equal chance for honors and power we may expect that improvements will be made in the human character and the state of society.”
~Founding FatherJohn Adams, letter to Dr. Price, April 8, 1785

8. “I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state.”
~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, letter to the Baptists of Danbury, Connecticut, 1802

9. “In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. It is error alone that needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.”
~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to Horatio Spofford, 1814

10. “Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, then that of blindfolded fear.”
~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, letter to Peter Carr, August 10, 1787

11. “I am for freedom of religion and against all maneuvers to bring about a legal ascendancy of one sect over another.”
~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, letter to Elbridge Gerry, January 26, 1799

So the next time you want to throw the Constitution and Bill of Rights under the bus of the religious fervor, then you better get your facts straight.

The alternative right, right, conservative base, Christianity, and whatever else extreme views are out there to undermine the Republic, remember that the Founding Fathers are NOT on your side. You stand against the Republic when you lecture and promote your religion over American values and individual rights, if you agree with them or not… it is not for you to say.

From the Center, just one step to the Left… where common sense apparently still lives.