Staff Writer, Nathaniel Diaz
Weather / Thermal Imaging___________________________________
When weather forecasters mention your city's heat island, do you just get the idea of one locale? Here is what those Urban Heat Islands look like:
The urban heat island effect occurs primarily during the day, when urban impervious surfaces absorb more sunlight than the surrounding vegetated areas. Trees, grasses, and other vegetation naturally cool the air as a by-product of photosynthesis. They release water back into to the atmosphere in a process called evapotranspiration, which cools the local surface temperature in much the same way that sweat cools a person’s skin as it evaporates. Trees with broad leaves, like those found in many deciduous forests on the U.S. East Coast, have more pores to exchange water than trees with needles, and so have more of a cooling effect.
Read the article carefully as there is climate scientist propaganda mixed within the actual science.
Source: NASA