Tuesday, December 15, 2020

BREAKING: Joe Biden is Still NOT President-Elect

Editor, DL Mullan 
2020 Election / Concession 
Mr. Biden, 
You are embarrassing yourself and our country. 
The fake Electors the media complains about are the ones who voted for you in contested states. It is a shame that you are so compromised by unethical and unprofessional behavior that you are unable to tell the truth. In addition to your mounting physical and mental deterioration due to age and infirmary, namely dementia, has left you as a candidate for the 25th Amendment on Day One rather than for President. 

You and who you have surrounded yourself with are in no condition to lead this nation anywhere. Your second for example, Ms. Harris, is incapable of being Vice President let alone President due to her affiliations with foreign adversaries. You like her cannot be approved for a (White House level) Security Clearance. Your fantasy football cabinet is a criminal police line up of the most disreputable and onerous individuals of the political swamp in modern history. Some of your choices are so nefarious that they will be unable to be confirmed.

Just stop it. 

I don't know what you were promised, but insurrection and treason are far worse. You cannot save Hunter. You pretty much screwed him over. The best thing you and your family can do at this point is make a deal with the Justice Department. 

It is time that this game came to an end and for you to save whatever pieces of honor you may have left. 

Americans are waiting for you to concede this election.

Do it while you still have an image to save. 


Friday, November 27, 2020

Official Call for Joe Biden to Concede the 2020 Presidential Election

Editor, DL Mullan 
2020 Election / Concession 

 It is over, Joe. 

With mounting evidence of election and voter fraud, there is ample proof that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris lost the 2020 Presidential Election. 

If you love your country, then concede today. 

Save America from your humiliation. 

Joe Biden: concede. 


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving! Giving Thanks to Our Ancestry

Editor, DL Mullan 
Thanksgiving / Holiday / History 

My family's progenitors have been here for at least 397 years.

Documented Colonial Line
Ralph Wallen II (as Ralfe Walen) b. 1595 d. about 1644, Halton, Lancashire, England
marriage: before 1623, England
Joyce Clark (Nell Small), Barnstable, Barnstable Co., MA, Colonial America.. b. about 1600 d. 1633

Ralf Walen arrived in 1623 on the HMS "Anne," Plymouth, British Colonies, England on July 10, 1623 as Pilgrims


William Tuttle b. 1607 d. 1673
marriage: about 1630, Northamptonshire, England
Elizabeth unknown b. 1613 d. 1684

William Tuttle arrived: 1635, Boston, Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America


Richard Chisholm (Cheesome) 1613-1670
-Margaret Isham 1615, Virginia Colonies

Richard arrived in the American Colonies by 1643 when William Batt used the headright of Richard Cheesome to acquire 250 acres of land in York County, Virginia, lying along the banks of the North River, which flows into Mobjack Bay (today's Mathews County, VA)


Who are your Pilgrims? 

Source: Our Rugged Individualism

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Is the Council on Foreign Relations... A Modern-Day Domestic, Technological Terrorist Organization?

Editor, DL Mullan 
CFR / Terrorism  

Who wouldn't wonder?

The Council on Foreign Relations, or CFR, was established in 1921 as a private, bipartisan group to “awaken America to its worldwide responsibilities."

Aw. Who wouldn't get behind such a noble cause?

"A well-known Council member famously explained, that they transformed the American republic into a global empire, albeit a “bene­volent” one..." but scratch American, that was for the 20th Century, replace the pronoun for the 21st Century: CHINA, and forget about being benevolent.

The CFR has lost its way and sees its "Empire" just like the one we were all warned about in Star Wars. If we were to cast this movie, Emperor Palpatine would be David Rockefeller (1915-2017), who finances the group along with the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group. Darth Vader would be all his minions like John Kerry, Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton, Robert Mueller, Rupert Murdoch, George Soros, and many, many others who believe in Mr. Rockefeller's idea to destroy all nation states, create a global dictatorship, and to hell with everyone else.

And, the CFR membership list shows the vastness of the problem:
  • several US Presidents and Vice Presidents of both parties;
  • almost all Secretaries of State, Defense, and the Treasury;
  • many high-ranking commanders of the US military and NATO;
  • some of the most influential Members of Congress (notably in foreign & security policy);
  • almost all National Security Advisors, CIA Directors, Ambassadors to the U.N., Chairs of the Federal Reserve, Presidents of the World Bank, and Directors of the National Economic Council;
  • many prominent academics, especially in key fields such as Economics and Political Science;
  • many top executives of Wall Street, policy think tanks, universities, NGOs, and Hollywood;
  • as well as the key members of both the 9/11 Commission and the Warren Commission (JFK)
So to say that the CFR is influential is an understatement. The group has their tentacles in everything. Everything but common sense. The truth is the CFR has grown so much that the group has outgrown their own usefulness.

Now all we hear from CFR members is bitch, bitch, bitch and wah wah wah temper tantrum theatrics for political pundits on their mainstream media shows, who just happen to be CFR members (or equivalent) themselves (George Stephenopoulos, Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezenski). Of course, members whine like babies to each other in their "safe space": the CFR website.

In a recent article in Foreign Affairs, the CFR magazine, a former general wrote that there needed to be an end to the "America First" policy. Say, what? What is the CFR's problem with America First? Because a Globalist vision means that America becomes a Third World country as a defunct nation state so the remnants can be absorbed into the one world government model of a global, communist dictatorship. You know, the United States should collaborate with others... to make CFR members wealthy and China the world power. Just submit... the CFR means: collaborate!

Except Americans know what "collaboration" entails: there's a boogeyman, send in the troops!, 100 years war, the commoners supply the cannon fodder, taxpayers are scammed out of trillions of dollars in defense contracts (most are no-bid), the country in question is destroyed, people are misplaced (mass immigration), domestic rights and freedoms are attacked (Patriot Act/NDAA), and then the CFR alum go in and "rebuild" the nation they just destroyed for profit, power, and influence.

Did I get that all correct? Oh I missed one: pat yourselves on the back for bringing "democracy" to a nation that didn't need it.

I just described the aftermath of 9/11.

Yes, we know what influential dictators are all about. America has a slew of these think tank tinkerers in the political bowels of our nation. The question is: can America afford to indulge anymore half-witted, hair-brained, influence-peddling, ego-maniacal tirades of the Council on Foreign Relations, any of its offshoots and its dim-witted acolytes?

I know the world cannot afford their "benevolent" malfeasance any longer. It's war, War, WAR; fear Fear, FEAR!

We're done with your military grade psychological warfare operations (ShadowNet) being played by your minions and their foot massagers. If you have to use coercion, then you don't have a political platform; you have communism. Communism means the United States is no longer a Constitutional Republic...

So that is why you hate President Trump that much. He took away your pacifiers of greed (Federal Reserve), corruption (Clinton Foundation pay to play), and debauchery (Jeffrey Epstein's Island). Then he told you to get your Sunday best on because he's taking you to church!

The nerve of some people!

The fact is that the American people did not vote you into any public office. CFR members have to be "appointed." When has a candidate run for an election touting the CFR platform? Joe Biden? In order for Americans to vote for your platform, you have to offer internet freebies (which are never free; you have to pay shipping) and your candidate has to be half-out of his mind?

Seriously? That does not add up to victory, but I could be wrong; I didn't take Common Core math.

Let's think about this one, shall we? The CFR ran Joe Biden. That's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you. My cat even said she is embarrassed for you.

But that shows the level of hubris the CFR has fallen down to that the membership are so tone deaf to the rest of the world as to offer a dementia patient being paraded around in a soap-opera-style elder abuse scene as a viable presidential candidate.

Americans rejected that idiocy because we want reality. A real guy in the White House, with a real family who thinks of others instead of themselves. An ideal that CFR cannot offer.


The Council of Foreign Relations has sunk so low that the membership has become a group of champagne-drinking, cocaine-sniffing, foot-job getting grifters... Oh, wait, that's Hunter Biden. Have you seen his laptop?

The CFR enabled that behavior because it is their behavior too: joy-riding scammers on the backs of the American people.

Speaking of scams... Americans lived through the shoe bomber and Michael Chertoff's need to profit off "body scanners" for the airports. Dick Cheney's need to clean up the gulf oil spill with his newly purchase Boots & Coots through Haliburton. CFR members like these ones have an addiction for government funded corporate welfare, er... contracts. Especially: no bid contracts. What? Can any of you make an honest living?

It's like living in a game show: I would like to buy today's CFR Member's Scam for $100 Billion: Defund the Police. That's right! With the need to get rid of and replace the police for no reason whatsoever, the elite ruling class wants to give you security: ROBOTS!

Danger, Will Robinson!

Who is going to profit from this fake news hysteria? General Jones? General Hayden? General McCrystal? Brennan? I have a list of CFR degenerates; I can keep going. I did watch Shadow Gate 1 and 2; I took notes too. 

The question becomes: do we really need the Council on Foreign Relations? 

Or... do they need us? Because there seems to be no benefit to Americans or the world to having these think tanks. 

Guess that is why the David Rockefeller funded Council on Foreign Relations, CFR member: David Rubenstein at the Carlyle Group, and CFR member: William Kennard at Staple Street Capital bought (Venezuelan/Canadian) Dominion Voting Systems machines so they could hack our reality by rigging the game?

Because they cannot win unless you play the game: Collaboration.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

No Auditing the Vote? No Calls for Transparency leaves the So-Called Incoming Biden Administration: LOL

Editor, DL Mullan
2020 Presidential Election / Audit the Vote








First off, there is no Biden-Harris Administration. Americans and people around the world must realize that the evidence of election and voter fraud does exist. Anyone in the media who states otherwise has not done their due diligence. 

If Joe Biden and  Kamala Harris feel that they won the election, then they would be standing with Americans who did not vote for them and request investigations into every state's elections. If their concern was the American people, then an audit of the election would be at the forefront of their agenda. Because an administration tainted with corruption of a fraud-based election win makes their reign illegitimate and comedic. 

What world leader would take a Biden-Harris administration seriously?  

If Joe Biden wanted to bring Americans together, then he would be standing with us. 

Instead Biden makes speeches and goes back into hiding. That is not presidential. A president takes the lead; Biden remains sequestered. 

As an editor of my local news blog/paper, I have researched what has been happening with our November 3rd, 2020 election. I not only believe fraud happened, but that this chaos was orchestrated by wealthy individuals, groups of activists, and government employees. 

If you dig, you will find the evidence too. (hint, hint Tucker Carlson)

My research is already in the hands of Trump's Voter Fraud Report. Oh, and it's good too, but I will do nothing to compromise a legal case. 

I will say that in light of the information about electronic elections I do not believe Senator Martha McSally lost her election bid against Kristen Sinema let alone Mark Kelly. 

Until a full audit is done across this nation, Americans will not know who did or did not win their races. Between the destruction of enroute ballots by USPS, the creation of ballots by unknown and known individuals, ballot harvesting, lost/stolen election equipment, and electronic manipulation, Americans will not have confidence in any elected official until a top down audit is complete. 

So where is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris again? 

Not demanding an audit to root out problems in this election cycle. That makes a Biden-Harris administration illegitimate and they know it. Biden does not want to bring Americans together; he just wants to lay claim to an office he did not win. 

An "incoming Biden Administration" has only one response, and that is: LOL. 

Joe, you didn't win. Kamala, neither did you. 

And, YES... we can prove it.

...nothing can stop what's coming.

I promise.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Dear International Community: The USA is Experiencing Technical Difficulties; We'll Return Shortly

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
2020 Presidential Election / Recounts

Until the USA cleans out the Globalist, Deep State, Bureaucrats, Communists, and other agitators from our election, political, and social systems, we will leave you with some thoughts:






China is over. Communism is dead. This crap shows the death thros of Globalism. 

So take heed and heart, America is cleaning out the cobwebs. We will be back stronger than ever in a few weeks. 

Joe Biden was not elected President. 

Donald J. Trump is our 46th President. 

Thank you for your understanding. 


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Update: Millie Weaver Exonerated! All Charges Dropped & Case Dismissed

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Millie Weaver / Charges Dropped

Millie Weaver Exonerated! All Charges Dropped & Case Dismissed

Thank you to everyone who helped raise money for this cause, especially Ezra Levant from The Rebel Media in Canada. 

Although a celebratory spirit is at hand, we must also not condone the actions of her former employer, some of her former colleagues, and intelligence assets who fired her, trashed her, or spread false information about her when she was initially arrested. Now the independent media community knows who to avoid. Whoever you work for is not the voice of a free and independent press as the Bill of Rights set up in the First Amendment. 

For now, we are delighted that this case was resolved before the trial date of Novemeber 3rd. 

Thanks again for all of your support. 


Other VDP Gazette articles on the subject:





Friday, September 11, 2020

Friday, August 28, 2020

Blue Lives Matter: What Do You Know About Police Shootings? Epic Rant Ahead

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
BLM / Social Justice / Riots

If you would like to be informed about the police shootings and cases in the news, then listen to this former officer's soliloquy: 


Thursday, August 27, 2020

Facebook Promotes Race Baiting and Communism with Meme Backgrounds

Editor, DL Mullan
Commuism / Race Baiting / Social Media

It is everywhere. Support Black Lives Matter! 

BLM spends their money on buses.
Why? I don't believe that organization has helped one black person. These Marxist agitators rake in millions of dollars in sympathy donations but only help themselves and their chosen political party (the progressives in the Democrat Party). 

Their fundraising has been tracked to ActBlue. Their organization is not a service organization under IRS guidelines, just another profit driven corporation. 

So why are companies and social media kissing their feet? 

I wake up this morning to update everyone on my friend's list with information that today marks 13 hours of sunlight in our journey toward the equinox. I discover this meme spread: 

Here was my status post:
What is this shit? I don't want or support communism! Take this off my background choices.  
I want autumn, Celtic Irish, and USA meme backgrounds.  
Don't hide communism behind race baiting and think that it is acceptable. This promotes violence and discrimination.  

I suggest everyone who has a Facebook account lodge formal complaints about this crapola. This example is how corporations hijack your reality to fit their own profit driven needs. Watch Shadow Gate again for more details.

Reject their reality hacking of your mind and stand up to the manipulation. 

Sources: Facebook, Editor's FB page, ActBlue, BLM , Shadow Gate

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Patriots, Truthers Stop Being Rumor Mill Tools of the Ruling Elite

Editor, DL Mullan
Deep State / Discernment / Critical Thinking

Haven't you noticed? When someone is on to the Deep State, that their lives are torn apart and their reputations are sullied? 

All you have to do is sit back and watch the carnage. 

The saddest behavior of all is the Patriot and Truther communities attacking innocent people in the name of truth, justice, and... way too much paranoia. 

Instead of waiting for more information, people who claim to want to know are all too happy to spread rumors and downright lies about people for the scoop of a lifetime. 

Let's use some examples, shall we? 

With the Shadow Gate release we saw Millie Weaver's life turned upside down for nothing. To make matters worse, the Patriot and Truther communities had members flinging accusations that turned out to be unfounded: she's doing it for publicity! she's a criminal! see what happens when you align yourself with Alex Jones? 

Alex Jones, you do realize when the chips were down and you had been banned that Ms. Weaver backed you all the way. You knew months ago that there was an issue with unlawful entry into her offices and photos of her materials were being taken. When you are working on a project, that information is your work cited/bibliography and covered under copyright law. 

Just like this article is covered under copyright law, if I publish it or not. If someone were to come into my work area and taken images of my words, art, and outlines, that person is now breaking federal law, even if that person was in my home lawfully. My intellectual property is still protected. The only way anyone can use my images or writings is if I give them written or verbal permission. Obviously, Ms. Weaver did not give said person that permission. 

You should have backed her, and the law instead of making this situation about you.

Another example tied to this situation is Roger Stone. I have read and heard how Shadow Gate and Patrick Bergy accused Roger Stone of being the linchpin of the Deep State. I watched the documentary and Mr. Bergy's interview on the Alex Jone's show. I have yet to see where those connections have been made. There is a lot of hearsay evidence on the periphery but nothing in an affidavit or historical fact to make this assertion plausible.  

Just because you say something does not make that statement factual evidence; it makes it your word against someone else's word and maybe a case of creating a rumor. 

Patriots and Truthers must be cognizant of the difference. 

Let's clarify: I can stand on my soapbox and say all sorts of colorful remarks. Does those remarks mean that the statements are beyond reproach? We must use our common sense in these instances. 

The last illustration of Patriot and Truther researchers going for Deep State psyop prizes against one of their own is the interesting life of one Tore of Tore Says fame. This podcaster was removed from Red State Talk Radio just as Shadow Gate made a splash in the world of current events. 

Interesting timing of all of this, isn't it? 

So I went on a dig. I am an investigative journalist. If I want to, I can find anything with the click of my mouse... on about everyone. 

Some in the Patriot/Truther community believe that they are allowed to dig and investigate and expose without using any common sense at all. This truther brigade has destroyed someone's life. The community needs to take responsibility for doing harm, especially with the absence of critical thinking skills.

I found information on Tore. I found that her life has been more interesting than most people's lives. That is okay. At least, she is honest about her life's ups and downs. 

I found her civil court case. This case is an example known as "lawfare." It is when political opponents use the media to disparage someone's reputation because they really do not have the evidence to make a criminal complaint. So the circular cycle of legal briefs and media corroborating each other becomes the modus operandi.

Look how Shadow Gate exposes this perpetuation with President Trump.

When prosecutors use a civil lawsuit to invade someone's life, most people of any intellectual prowess realize that these government officials are misusing their office and their discretionary powers. (See Letitia James and the NRA.) 

On the off chance that a criminal complaint is used as lawfare, then this behavior is one that should get the person removed from their office. Patriots and Truthers should see to that instead of looking for tasty bits for their blogs and podcasts. We should be calling out injustices, not profiting off them or we are no better than the ruling elite. 

Now there is the marriage and children aspect. That area should be hands off. Should I go into your private life and expose every mistake you have made? Should I use your children to condemn you? Or, how about the people you once trusted that stabbed you in the back? Should I use them as evidence against your better judgement? 

When does the crap end? 

You want a better life, better country, better world, but you act like bottom feeders. 

But Tore has stolen valor! 

Where? That website that anyone can create a phony sockpuppet? That site? 

If anyone did any amount of investigation into Tore's past, which is out there, and weighed that information with what she divulges on her shows, you can see that there are two different personas. There is no stolen valor. There is misinformation posted so if someone wanted to "debunk" Tore, that data set is available for those individuals who cannot think for themselves. 

The Patriot and Truther communities are going to have to live up to their own bullshit.

The simplest answer is usually the correct one. Use Occam's razor when you do your research. 

Does this information over here match up to the data over there? 

When people go on their rants and binges of information, we must be mindful of what is in the blogosphere. Can you prove what is there? 

Use definitive primary sources. That is why when I do my research I click all the links until I find the primary source of the article. I have clicked several links from website after website to find where the source of the information originated from. Everyone should be using the primary source, not that article said so. That article is someone's opinion. Go get your own and verify it. 

Someone posted this source to debunk Tore, which has not debunked one word that she has said. Did you know that by getting this document without being a financial institution that you have committed a federal crime? 

Read the website and it's Terms of Service. 

So why would I believe anyone's research who has knowingly committed a crime for vengeance? 

Patriots and Truthers need to learn how to assess information. Be an analyst. Discern what is real information and what information has been put out onto the web that is utter garbage. 

Anyone can take your name and photos you put up on social media and destroy you inside of an hour. You would lose your job, family, and kids. That someone could probably break up your marriage of twenty years.

I suggest all Patriots and Truthers protect yourselves: make sure your brand, name, family, and history are safe from the uncouth and immature motivations of unscrupulous individuals who believe they know best.

What these people will end up receiving is a lawsuit for libel, slander, and defamation. 

So avoid rumors at all costs. 

You wouldn't want what you have been doing to Millie Weaver, Tore Says, Roger Stone, Patrick Bergy, or even Alex Jones, happening to you. 

Source: And, no, I am not publishing the primary sources. This article was an exercise in shaming the shamers, not harming their targets.

Monday, August 17, 2020

The United Nations is Responsible for Censorship, Cancel Culture

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
United Nations / Cancel Culture / Censorship

Wonder where social justice, censorship, and cancel culture originated from since these inflammatory and civil rights violations are not original to America? 

Then look no further than the United Nations. On their site for: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, anyone can read how the United Nations views human rights.

Article 29, Section 3

These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Anyone who is tied into the United Nations take over of the world via our governments through treaties and accords, private corporations using censorship, banning, and deplatforming of people and businesses, and training the citizenry from elementary school to believe in social justice is apart of the New World Order, planetary government, one world government scheme. 

Did you vote in the United Nations? Did you vote in Smart Technology? Strong Cities Initiatives? Or, even CFL light bulbs? 

All these different types of fads are driven by the United Nations' Agenda 21, 2030, Megaregions 2050.

Your elected officials are pushing you into a one-way street straight into world government. Check out HR 1111. If you speak up, corporations and governments are using Article 29, Section 3 to delete you from your digital existence. 

In the case of Congressional Candidate Laura Loomer, these entities without due process of law have banned her from social media, fundraising, even Uber, Lyft, food ordering and more. 

Section 230 exists because internet providers and platforms are considered utilities and therefore not allowed to restrict access to people based on any type of political, religious, or other affiliation. 

47 U.S. Code § 230 - Protection for private blocking
and screening of offensive material
(a) FindingsThe Congress finds the following:
(3) The Internet and other interactive computer services offer a forum for a true diversity of political discourse, unique opportunities for cultural development, and myriad avenues for intellectual activity.

(b) Policy It is the policy of the United States
(1) to promote the continued development of the Internet and other interactive computer services and other interactive media;
(2) to preserve the vibrant and competitive free market that presently exists for the Internet and other interactive computer services, unfettered by Federal or State regulation;

(c) Protection for “Good Samaritan” blocking and screening of offensive material
(1) Treatment of publisher or speaker
No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.

(2) Civil liabilityNo provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be held liable on account of—
(A) any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected; or
(B) any action taken to enable or make available to information content providers or others the technical means to restrict access to material described in paragraph (1).[1]
So where is censorship based on political views legal again? Nowhere. Where is deplatforming based on political views legal again? Nowhere. 

The social media platforms Americans paid for through development with their tax monies have taken censorship on themselves to promote and protect the United Nations' one world government power grab.  

It appears through their own words that the United Nations believes their mission, vision, and goals are above any single national law. Anyone who sides with the United Nations appears to be able to be above the law as well (e.g., Big Tech, Big Pharma, and the Military Industrial Complex of private contractors). 

Big Tech Censors
Alex Jones
Laura Loomer
Proud Boys
Roger Stone

Do we see a pattern here? 

Big Pharma Censors
Frontline Doctors
Dr. Simone Gold (fired from her job)

So anyone going against deceptive WHO recommendations is gone? 

And the Military Industrial Complex of private contractors are nothing more than mercenaries online as bots, spies, and bullies trying to keep the house of cards from falling down around them. Their no-bid contracts are gold. Taxpayer funded lottery for a small group of people feeding off Americans and people around the world like parasites. 

If you cross these terrorists, you end up arrested (Millie Weaver, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Julian Assange), or dead (Seth Rich, and anyone who has ever done business with the Clintons is seems like). 

The middle pyramid piece to total control and surveillance of the whole of humanity appears to be: the United Nations. Under the United Nations entities and corporations are allowed to lie under oath in front of Congress, cheat to create monopolies, and steal from the American people through information gathering, contracts, and tax breaks. 

As we know from the information sourced in the documentary Shadow Gate, by journalist Millie Weaver, that these private corporations steal our information and then create profiles in order to incite civil unrest. Private corporations, nonprofits, and others have also pushed their way into the classroom under Agenda 21's Common Core to indoctrinate generations of children into the cult of social justice that allows for this censorship and cancel culture to continue. 

If you do not agree with the United Nations, then you are control-alt-deleted from cyberspace, families, and friendships. 

This problem needs to be removed from our culture. American society is about free speech, freedom of expression, and fair play. The United Nations has reversed hundreds of years of the Enlightenment and taken humanity back to the Dark Ages. 

America needs to disengage itself from the United Nations. 

Stand up for freedom, the free market, and free ideas: Cancel our membership to the corrupt United Nations. 

Maybe then Americans can find the justice needed to combat these enemies foreign and domestic. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Movie Night: Mother of Two Makes Deep State Crap Their Pants

Editor, DL Mullan
Journalism / Deep State / Shadow Government

An industrious journalist uncovered the back doors in and out of our security and intelligence apparatuses. A huge National Security problem that needs to be solved so that no more former employees can gain access to clearance level software meant to keep Americans safe, but is being used to harm Americans by a select number of ex-employees. For her work, the Deep State tried to sabotage her research, throttled her internet access, and made the final cut of her documentary nearly impossible to finish. 

Yet, she did finish it. 

Millie Weaver who works as an independent journalist and contractor with her husband began investigating just how the American people are being propagandized by a handful of individuals in our government... well, our shadow government. 

See Barack Obama never really left his presidency behind. He with the help of people like James Comey, Robert Mueller, James Clapper, and John Brennan have been doing everything in their power to distort reality to fit their narrative: Orange Man Bad. 

The United States has had many decades of peaceful transference of power from one administration to the next. The election of Donald Trump to the presidency was one transfer these shadow people could not abide by. These individuals have forgotten the golden rule: Americans vote in public figures. This time Americans voted in their choice instead of the ruling elites' selection.  

That made the ruling class elites upset. So much so, that America has had not one moment of peace in nearly four years. Controversies, investigations... IMPEACHMENT. All a farce played on the American people. 

Millie Weaver put the puzzle pieces together in her documentary: ShadowGate. 

Her prize? A surprise indictment and arrest yesterday morning in front of her two small children. The charge? Burglary. 

Yes, this mother of two has been out being a cat burglarer... that is what the Deep State contends. That Millie Weaver must have secret government documents including Hillary Clinton's emails! But the documentary was sourced from whistleblowers and publicly available documents. 

Why the panic then? 

Because the Deep State is losing control of what Americans' think and in order to keep up their facade against the President of the United States, these individuals need to maintain their access to the back doors into the American security and intelligence software to send out their commands to their active assets. 

Normal people call this behavior: treason. 

Millie Weaver just destroyed their nest of corruption with a dose of truth and facts. 

The out of control Deep State cannot have that. Americans are supposed to do their bidding. Not anymore. 

Want to see what spooked the spooks and got an innocent mother of two arrested on bogus charges? 

Here you go, Shadowgate: 

Youtube now banned the video... so here is the new link: Shadow Gate - Full Film

Share one. Share all. Sharing is caring so get everyone you know to watch! 

Then call your Congress critters and demand this journalist be released.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Biden, Harris Walk into a Bar...

Editor, DL Mullan
Progressive / Biden Campaign / Vice President

The Editor agrees: 


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The VDPG Guide to Progressive Hostage-Taken Cities

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Progressive / Stockholm Syndrome 

This guide is to help confused Americans on how to reference our balkanized localities taken hostage by oppressive regressive progressive regimes. 

First, refer to these cities by adding: stan, to the end of the names. For example: 

Portland... is Portlandstan
Seattle... is Seattlestan

Second, the other territories that have been so ravaged by progressive mayhem, their names have to reflect their brand of domestic violence. To illustrate: 

Chicago... is ChIraq 
Baltimore... is Baltyemen 
Flint... is Flintstone 
St. Louis... is St. Lebanon

Now for renaming other progressive run cities: 
Detroit... Detroitstan
Ferguson... Fergustan
Wilmington... Wilmingstan
Kansas City... Kansyria City
Alexandria... Alexandsyria
Little Rock... Litttle Ukrockaine
Milwaukee... Milwomalia

If you would like to stop the degradation of our cities by bad policies and governance, then stop voting progressive. 

Vote in sanity instead because elections have consequences.

Source: Daily Signal

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Blue Lives Matter for Us to Tell the Truth: What If the Media Lied about Crime?

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Blue Lives Matter / Crime Statistics
The Truth About Crime, Race, and Policing in America
Center of the American Experiment welcomes Heather Mac Donald to answer one of today's most important questions: are the police racist?

Friday, July 24, 2020

Movie Night: "Rough Riders" 1997 Complete Teddy Roosevelt TV Mini-Series - Part 2

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Rough Riders / Teddy Roosevelt

"Rough Riders" 1997 Complete Teddy Roosevelt TV Mini-Series - Part 2

July 1st 1898 - The Battle of San Juan Hill - Nearly 121 Years ago as of the publication of this video. Presenting the complete, original 1997 TNT TV Mini-Series which originally aired July 20th - 21st. The Mini was directed and co-written by John Milius about future President Theodore Roosevelt and the regiment known as the 1st US Volunteer Cavalry; a.k.a. the Rough Riders. The series prominently shows the bravery of the volunteers at the Battle of San Juan Hill, part of the Spanish–American War of 1898. The film was shot in Texas over 48 days on a budget of $19 million. Six Texas locations served as stand-ins for Cuba, Florida, New York and Washington, D.C. - Palestine, a town southeast of Dallas, was the period railroad; the Cuban jungle scenes were done outside Houston and the hill country outside San Antonio stood in for the training camp and San Juan Hill.

Source: Youtube

Glutathione Therapy

What glutathione therapy can accomplish.

Vitamin C Supports Healthy Immunology

Vitamin C is a wonder for human immunity.

Antiviral Effect of Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an important nutrient.

The Role of Vitamin D in Infections, Viruses, and Human Health are Extensive

Staff Writer, DL Mullan 
COVID-19 / Corona Virus / Vitamin D


Are you getting enough Vitamin D?

Source: NIH

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Congressional Votes Attacking History: Marxist Democrats and Republicans who need to be Voted Out of Office

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Congress / Confederate Monuments

What is the fetish with the Civil War? 

The Southern States wanted to keep Slavery! Nothing could be further from the truth. History says differently than the racist voices in our streets. 

Let's hear history from an actual Civil War solider: 

1947 Interview with Corporal Julius Franklin "General" Howell (1846-1948)

But, but... but nothing. The War of Northern Aggression was fought over States' Rights. Plain and simple. 

But, but those poor black people... who also fought in the Confederacy: 

Clip 1 from 'Black Confederates: The Forgotten Men in Gray'

Did you know that Cherokees fought for the Confederacy too? 

Doesn't seem so white supremacy now does it? Because the Northern States, President Lincoln, and the federal government overstepped the Constitution and the 10th Amendment. This war was about an industrial society of the North versus the agricultural center of the South. 

Everyone had a stake in the war.

So when Senator Tammy Duckworth and Congressman Matt Gaetz state that the Confederates were traitors, they have that backwards, and have forgotten that Confederate soliders are deemed United States Military Veterans by the acts of Congress (Veterans Today Archives). Maybe these politicians should not be so quick to judge the Confederacy. Instead we should read what the Cherokee who remained neutral for some time had to say in their treaty with the Confederate States of America (Lew Rockwell):
"But in the Northern States the Cherokee people saw with alarm a violated constitution, all civil liberty put in peril, and all rules of civilized warfare and the dictates of common humanity and decency unhesitatingly disregarded. In the states which still adhered to the Union a military despotism had displaced civilian power and the laws became silent with arms. Free speech and almost free thought became a crime. The right of habeas corpus, guaranteed by the constitution, disappeared at the nod of a Secretary of State or a general of the lowest grade. The mandate of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court was at naught by the military power and this outrage on common right approved by a President sworn to support the constitution. War on the largest scale was waged, and the immense bodies of troops called into the field in the absence of any warranting it under the pretense of suppressing unlawful combination of men."

The tenth paragraph continues the indictment of the Northern political party in power and the conduct of the Union Armies:

"The humanities of war, which even barbarians respect, were no longer thought worthy to be observed. Foreign mercenaries and the scum of the cities and the inmates of prisons were enlisted and organized into brigades and sent into Southern States to aid in subjugating a people struggling for freedom, to burn, to plunder, and to commit the basest of outrages on the women; while the heels of armed tyranny trod upon the necks of Maryland and Missouri, and men of the highest character and position were incarcerated upon suspicion without process of law, in jails, forts, and prison ships, and even women were imprisoned by the arbitrary order of a President and Cabinet Ministers; while the press ceased to be free, and the publication of newspapers was suspended and their issues seized and destroyed; the officers and men taken prisoners in the battles were allowed to remain in captivity by the refusal of the Government to consent to an exchange of prisoners; as they had left their dead on more than one field of battle that had witnessed their defeat, to be buried and their wounded to be cared for by southern hands."

The eleventh paragraph of the Cherokee declaration is a fairly concise summary of their grievances against the political powers now presiding over a new U. S. Government:

"Whatever causes the Cherokee people may have had in the past to complain of some of the southern states, they cannot but feel that their interests and destiny are inseparably connected to those of the south. The war now waging is a war of Northern cupidity and fanaticism against the institution of African servitude; against the commercial freedom of the south, and against the political freedom of the states, and its objects are to annihilate the sovereignty of those states and utterly change the nature of the general government."

The Cherokees felt they had been faithful and loyal to their treaties with the United States, but now perceived that the relationship was not reciprocal and that their very existence as a people was threatened. They had also witnessed the recent exploitation of the properties and rights of Indian tribes in Kansas, Nebraska, and Oregon, and feared that they, too, might soon become victims of Northern rapacity. Therefore, they were compelled to abrogate those treaties in defense of their people, lands, and rights. They felt the Union had already made war on them by their actions.

Finally, appealing to their inalienable right to self-defense and self-determination as a free people, they concluded their declaration with the following words:

"Obeying the dictates of prudence and providing for the general safety and welfare, confident of the rectitude of their intentions and true to their obligations to duty and honor, they accept the issue thus forced upon them, unite their fortunes now and forever with the Confederate States, and take up arms for the common cause, and with entire confidence of the justice of that cause and with a firm reliance upon Divine Providence, will resolutely abide the consequences.
It is too bad that our Congress cannot do ten minutes worth of historical research, but instead have sided with the Marxist cult rampaging through our streets. Our history is here to stay. Congressional officials are our employees. So Americans need to take these politicians out of office:

Roll Call 156 | Bill Number: H. R. 7573

Jul 22, 2020, 06:05 PM | 116th Congress, 2nd Session

Vote Question: On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended

To direct the Architect of the U.S. Capitol to replace the bust of Roger Brooke Taney with a bust of Thurgood Marshall, to remove certain statues from areas of the Capitol which are accessible to the public, to remove all statues of individuals who voluntarily served Confederate States of America displayed in Capitol.

Vote Type: 2/3 Yea-And-Nay

Status: Passed