Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Community Interest
The Wigwam Golf Course like the Villa de Paz Golf Course is in the crosshairs of greedy developers as well. These two courses are not alone. Across the nation, golf courses have seen a decline in holes played, not because people have lost love for the game, but because of the financial hardship the markets have endured unemploying millions.

Reston in Fairfax County is facing the same destruction of their lifestyle and community as is Villa de Paz. "It is reasonable to assume if we do not take this action, the price of
our homes will be dramatically affected and overall real estate values
will be degraded when the homes are no longer located on or near a golf
course," John Pinkman of Reston said. "Not to mention the effect on the quality of the life
you intended to lead when you purchased your home."
Expectation, like with all master planned communities, the residents have an expectation that results from living in a golf course community.
The residents at Reston have also taken to the internet to let others know of these backdoor dealings to destroy green areas for housing developments at
Join us in our fight against big corporate interests destroying our Villa de Paz community, the Wigwam Resort, Reston, and other places of respite all across the nation. Call, email your city today. Here is ours: City of Phoenix Council Members:
Councilwoman Williams 602-262-7444
Councilman Waring 602-262-7445
Councilman Gates 602-262-7441 council.district.3@phoenix,gov
Councilman Valenzuela 602-262-7446
CouncilmanDiCiccio 602-262-7491
Councilman Nowakowski 602-262-7492
Every email and phone call counts even if you live next to one of these communities. So please start writing and calling today!
Source: West Valley View, Reston Patch