Tuesday, February 25, 2020

CoronaVirus: Why Don't We Just Do a 60 Day Global Reset?

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
CoronaVirus / Bioweapon / Proposal

Governments, the CDC, and other authority figures do not want to panic the world. Too late. The world already knows what happened to create this outbreak. 

Wuhan Cornavirus outbreak is a biological warfare agent. Yet the world has not curbed its spread because governments are unwilling to do the right thing. 

Let's go over some history of the virus:

Study 1: The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade

page 11... "may provide a gain of function to the coronavirus for efficient spreading in the human population."

"gain of function" technology DNA genetic engineering done in a BSL-4 or BSL-3 laboratory/facility. weaponized biological warfare agent. no legitimate scientific or medical use for gain of function technology.

Very likely this virus came from the BSL-3 bio warfare lab at the University of North Carolina where gain of function work has been performed in the past.

Study 2 (2015): A SARs-like Cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.

Wuhan Institute of Technology was educated on the "gain of function" technology by collaborating with University of North Carolina on the Study 2 research.

Did the University of North Carolina take money so that China could be "given" this bio warfare technology of DNA manipulation?

Did China believe their vaccine mandate would spare most of their own people when it was released and given plausible deniability by blaming the United States?

What is known is that China has an aging population and by 2030 will not have the world's workforce anymore. Eliminate the old and the young can have more babies to fuel sweatshops. But something went wrong. The coronavirus targets and kills young men and women as well. 

Not only that but the coronavirus spreads without the knowledge of the host as the host themselves shows no signs of infection for 14 to 27 days. Then if the host survives, they can be reinfected again, so people are not creating a protective antibody to this virus.

In order to combat the spread of the virus, how about we give the world 30 days to stock up on food and necessities in a calm and orderly fashion. Then keep police, EMTs, hospital workers, border patrol on duty and tell the rest of the world's workers to take 60 days off. 

Airports, borders, malls, stores... everything that is not a necessity is closed up. 

If governments could get with streaming services to allow free access to their entertainment platforms for that time period. All bills will be forgiven for those 60 days so no one will lose their homes, electricity, or water. 

But... that will cost too much money! 

When the outbreaks become so huge, that the illness takes down the stock market, international banks, and industry, how much money will it be then? Quadrillions? If we take a stand and find the hot spots by quarantining everyone (shelter in place) at the same time, then we may just be able to stop the virus before the disease kills millions of people.

The Wuhan Coronavirus is a vicious viral infection. 

Isn't it worth a 60 day global reset before it is too late?

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Washington Post's Azari: I Would Not Trust the Elite to Choose a Dog Catcher

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Elites / Oligarchs / Elections

The elite political class from monarchies to dictatorships spanning five thousand years, what hasn't the world's elite done for humanity? Conquest, war, hunger, and death. The elite political class preys on people's fears in order to manipulate and control their everyday lives like psychopaths.

So when the mainstream media praises the elite political class for anything, shouldn't we question if that publication should be even take seriously? The original headline to the Washington Post read: Give the Elites a Bigger Say in Choosing the President. Now the headline reads: It's time to switch to preference primaries. 

Entitled elite political class has given humanity endless wars to profit from while pushing the failures of socialism/communism for societal control like they have for any other religion:
  • World War I
  •  Bolshevik Revolution
  • World War II
  • National Socialist German Workers' Party
  • Cold War Communism vs the Free World 
  •  Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  • Berlin Wall, East and West Germany 
  • Vietnam
  • Korea, North verses South
  • Communist China
  • United Nations' Agenda 21, 2030, Megaregions 2050
That is but a snapshot of elite damage caused because their way was more important to them than one human life. When the entitled elite political class can make money off human suffering, they are happy to provide the false flags, lies through media, deception via politicians to make their dreams of death and destruction come true.

The Elite's top organizations
I would never choose someone from the entitled class of pompous egomaniacs to choose my local dog catcher let alone President of the United States. 

“And for the international order that we have worked for generations to build, ordinary men and women are too small minded to govern their own affairs. Order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all powerful sovereign.”
Obsessed with power and control of someone else... and ordinary people are small minded? Gimme a break, losers.

That mindset is how they think of everyone who isn't them: peasants, unworthy, useless eaters.

Why would anyone want that mental illness to be in charge of anything or anyone?

We have new entitled pozers of the rich and famous believing their celebrity is more important than being a productive member of our society. If you are on a television show or in a movie, somehow your voice carries more weight. If you recorded an album, somehow your voice carries more weight. If you play a child's sport as a profession, somehow your voice carries more weight.

We have presidential candidates who have spent $400 million on their egos, I  mean: campaigns, but have not once used their money to help someone in need. $64 billion could erase debts of the disabled and their caregivers. 

That's the issue. We have elites who want to tell the rest of us what to do and how high to jump, but at the end of the day, the elites themselves harbor no personal responsibility to their own edicts.

So what are our elections about? Elevating the elite's favorite candidate to make the masses feel all the ill in the world is their own fault? Shouldn't we be blaming the top 1% of the 1% instead? 

There is a lot of talking the talk, which is meaningless. We need politicians who walk the walk. How are you productive in our society? What have you done besides move our industry and manufacturing to China and India? Replaced our workers with foreigners for cost cutting? 

Is that really walking the walk of American ideals and exceptionalism? 

Or, is it another example of how the elite political class feels they are entitled to selling us out to line their own hedge funds?

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Leaked Video Shows How Barack Obama was NEVER My President

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Barack Obama / Treason

I have been down with an illness induced injury and have been mulling the idea of hanging it up because there is little to no support unless you are corporate or male or conservative. I am disabled, woman, and middle of the road, classical liberal.

Then this video came across my desk and now I have a new lease on crankiness. So, if you think your cranky, disabled editor was annoying before, you haven't seen anything yet.
“And for the international order that we have worked for generations to build, ordinary men and women are too small minded to govern their own affairs. Order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all powerful sovereign.”  ~Barack Obama
Screw your treasonous rhetoric. Sound like a combination of Loki (Avenger's film), and Darth Vader (Star Wars' film) much?

I will now be changing my party affiliation to INDEPENDENT because I am a Centrist, Independent, well-researched, Classical Liberal.

Watch out Progressives, Socialists, Communists, and Rinos... I have an axe to grind. I am tired of entitled elitists changing laws to make themselves rich and everyone else poor to push socialism and communism as viable solutions when these economic/government philosophies are repeated disastrous failures all across the globe no matter which country implements them. 

Independent sovereigns are coming for your terrible new world order. We are going to win through policy and legal means that are nonviolent so much so that it will make your international order and anyone like you bleed from your orifices just for thinking about imposing your vicious, evil will upon the world.

I do not want to hear or see from Barack Obama or Michelle Obama for the rest of my life. That goes for Bill and Hillary Clinton as well.

Obama... was never my President. He is the elite's hand picked traitor.

Spread the word.