Agenda 21 / Sovereignty Issues
Agenda 21 and its Sustainability nonsense have been plaguing Americans and people around the world for a good part of two and a half decades.
Arizona is no different. Denial from politicians has led most voters to not know or understand what initiatives they have voted into law. Light rail. Green. Smart. Reimaging. All marketing terms for the same thing: treason.
Educate yourself: The Post Sustainability Institute Source Documents.
Under Agenda 21, Smart Growth, Redevelopment, your state, county, and city can impose fees and restrictions on your property without due process of law. Don't believe that in America communist ideals are being implemented?
Enter Santa Cruz, California:
The Bureau of Land Management or BLM is harassing and fining people off their land.
The BLM also steals wild horses and sells them for slaughter. - BLM illegally sold thousands of wild horses for slaughter: report
- BLM blantantly ignoring law about dealing with wild horses
It is a concerted effort from every front because of Agenda 21, we have a nation full of rogue agencies, politicians and regional boards. So if you have not guessed: you have lost your sovereignty. You have no vote with agencies or regional boards, and bought off politicians deny Agenda 21 exists while helping with its implementation.
Don't you think it is time to stop the implementation of Agenda 21?
Source: All the Above