Sunday, April 13, 2014

Total Eclipse of the Heart: Moon Goes Red for April

Staff Writer, DL Mullan
Lunar Eclipse / Astrophysics

April 14th into the 15th is a total lunar eclipse that will be visible in all parts to Phoenix. 

Here is the chart of tomorrow night festivities: 

EventTime in PhoenixDirectionAltitudeLooks likeComments
Penumbral eclipse beginsApr 14 at 9:55 PM135°Southeast34.0° Eclipse as seen from earthThe Earth's penumbra start touching the Moon's face.
Partial eclipse beginsApr 14 at 10:59 PM152°South-southeast41.7° Eclipse as seen from earthPartial moon eclipse starts - moon is getting red.
Total Eclipse beginsApr 15 at 12:08 AM174°South45.8° Eclipse as seen from earthTotal moon eclipse starts - completely red moon.
Maximum EclipseApr 15 at 12:46 AM187°South45.6° Eclipse as seen from earthMoon is closest to the center of the shadow.
Total Eclipse endsApr 15 at 1:23 AM199°South-southwest43.8° Eclipse as seen from earthTotal moon eclipse ends.
Partial Eclipse endsApr 15 at 2:32 AM219°Southwest36.7° Eclipse as seen from earthPartial moon eclipse ends.
Penumbral Eclipse endsApr 15 at 3:36 AM233°Southwest27.2° Eclipse as seen from earthThe Earth's penumbra ends.

Have a great time viewing the event. Any photos from this night's eclipse may be emailed to the VDP Gazette.

Source:  Time and Date