Friday, February 27, 2015

Movie Night: From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life. The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology

Staff Writer, DB Holmes
GoeEngineering / Genetic Engineering

Despite the origins, this lecture is interesting and insightful.

As the natural world dies around us, what will take its place? Planetary engineering includes bioremediation measures to bring us genetically engineered trees and crops. And what of humans themselves? How are we being transformed from the inside out?

Presented at Conspiracy Con 2011, this 1 hour power point presentation by Sofia Smallstorm introduces primary and scientific findings hidden in the muffles of mainstream alternative media.

People around the world are observing aerosol spraying (also called "chemtrials") and strange man-made clouds. White skies filter sunlight as trees around the country sicken and die. Soil and water tests high for heavy metals, and artificial fibres fall on us from the sky.

Is aerosol spraying only about experimenting with weather? What do the self-replicating fibres found in Morgellons patients signify? Why are engineered materials being found in airborne environmental samples?

All this suggests a planetary engineering program that is affecting and targeting all living things. Synthetic biology is science's most exciting new frontier, combining genetics, robotics and nano-technology with artificial intelligence, hybridizing natural forms and engineering tissues beyond our wildest dreams. The technology explosion is skyrocketing, and artificial intelligence will soon surpass our own capabilities.

How will our world be organized then? WIll we turn ourselves over to machines? Or will we have become technological hybrids ourselves?

Source: Youtube

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Neoconservative Push to Reignite Cold War with Russia Explained by Former Reagan Official

Staff Writer, DB Holmes
News / Government

The Neocon effort to reignite Cold War with Russia and the march to World War III with Moscow is explored with retired Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Paul Craig Roberts. How George W. Bush and Dick Cheney managed to embolden the far right towards reckless endangerment of global peace, and how Russia has become the focus of the static is discussed. The possibility of global economic collapse, plus the Reagan administration figure talks about how the political landscape has changed for the worse in this uncensored political discussion on Buzzsaw, hosted by Sean Stone.

Source: Buzzsaw